7. EL TOPO (1970)

AKA The Mole (literal translation) “Q: You’re creating this story right now. A: Yes, this very moment. It may not be true, but it’s beautiful.”–Alejandro Jodorowsky in “Conversations with Jodorowsky” DIRECTED BY: Alejandro Jodorowsky FEATURING: Alejandro Jodorowsky PLOT: El Topo, a figure dressed in black and carrying his nude son on horseback behind him, uses his supernatural shooting … Continue reading 7. EL TOPO (1970)


366 Weird Movies may earn commissions from purchases made through product links. DIRECTED BY: Nicolas Winding Refn FEATURING: Angela Bundalovic, Andreas Lykke Jørgensen, Li Ii Zhang, Jason Hendil-Forssell PLOT: Miu, an 18-year-old girl with mysterious powers, becomes involved in the Copenhagen crime scene after being sold to a pimp’s sister as a “lucky coin.” COMMENTS: … Continue reading CHANNEL 366: COPENHAGEN COWBOY (2023)


AKA Samurai Rauni DIRECTED BY: Mika Rättö FEATURING: Mika Rättö, Reetta Turtiainen PLOT: Rauni, a homicidal Finnish samurai, searches for the mysterious “Shame Tear,” who has placed a price on his head. WHY IT WON’T MAKE THE LIST: This deliberate cult item, with Nordic ninjas and Scandinavian samurai, plays like a low-grade acid trip and … Continue reading CAPSULE: SAMURAI RAUNI REPOSAARELAINEN (2016)