Please do not ask “what was that movie?” questions on this page. We set up an entire site here to answer those questions. This page is for suggesting movies to be reviewed.
Know a weird movie? Something strange that glued you to the screen with awe, amazement or reverence, while your more mundane minded friends left the room (or theater) in boredom, confusion or disgust? A movie whose omission from a list of the 366 weirdest movies of all time would offend you on a personal level? Something even I haven’t heard of or considered? There are potentially thousands of forgotten films, critically dismissed films, foreign or independent films that never got a proper release, or misplaced oddities hiding out there that may deserve a place at the table. One man can’t be expected to track them all down. Here is the place to mention those treasured curios that no one else seems to have even heard of. Nominate a movie in the suggestion box and I’ll move it up on my review queue, or at the very least, explain why I’m not going to review it.
NOTICE: The “Suggest of Weird Movie!” feature has become a victim of its own success. At the time of this update, we have about 250 reader suggestions (!) in queue. (More than that since I last updated the page)! Since we can only do 1 or maybe 2 reviews a week, be aware there may be a huge delay—currently, possibly over a year!—between the time you make a suggestion and the point at which it’s actually reviewed. I considered shutting down the suggestion box as of 2011, but I decided to let you keep your suggestions coming (if nothing else, it tells us what types of movies readers are interested in seeing reviews of). Just be aware that when you make a suggestion, it may not receive the promptest of attention. The best you can really hope for at this point is to bring something to our attention that we might have overlooked. (Also note that although we prioritize the earliest nominations later suggestions may get reviewed before earlier ones if they receive a re-release on DVD or Blu-ray, or interest us for our own inscrutable reasons).
If you can’t wait for one of our staff to review your movie, why not review it yourself and submit it to us via the contact form? We can’t swear we’ll publish every submission we receive, but we want reader participation and we are fairly liberal.
All serious suggestions will receive a response, as well as all most non-serious ones.
Here’s the review queue of reader suggestions that have yet to be reviewed, in alphabetical order. Of course, at this point the list is so long that it is likely we will have to leave the task of reviewing the items at the end of the list to our children, but whatever.
Also, the List is now completed, meaning that these suggestions will be considered for our supplemental “Apocrypha” list, and many will sadly never be reviewed or considered. You may consider them all as reader-suggested honorable mentions.
*Corpus Callosum (2002); 1Day; The 4th Man; 8 1/2 Women; 9 Doigts [9 Fingers]; Aaaaah!; Aachi & Ssipak; Accion Mutante; Adam’s Apples; The Adolescence of Utena; “Afraid So” from “The Films of Jay Rosenblatt, Vol. 2″; The Aimed School; Alabama’s Ghost; “Alicia” (1994); Alien Alibi; Allegro; Aloys; Alucarda; Amanece, que no es poco; Ana y Bruno; Andy Warhol’s Bad; Angel in the Flesh: The Confidential Report on Mr. Dennis Duggan AKA The King of Super 8 (if it’s ever released); Angst (2018); Anna and the Wolves; The Annunciation; Apartment Zero; The Appointment (1981); Artemis 81; Ascension; As Filhas do Fogo; The Assignment: The Witches Talisman; Avalon (2001); Avida; Bad Lieutenant; The Ballad of Buster Scruggs; Barber Westchester; Beg! (1994); The Beguiled; Bernie (1996) (depending on availability); Bhoner; Bibliotheque Pascal; Big Meat Eater; Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey; Birdy; Black Mama; The Blazing World; Blood Beat; Blood, Bullets, Buffoons; Blood-Spattered Bride; Bloody New Year; Body Troopers; A Bomb was Stolen [AKA They Stole the Bomb; S-a furat o bomba]; Bone; Book of Revelation (2006); Born of Fire; BoXed; Brainscan (1994); Bread and Circus; Brothers of the Head; Bruce Lee vs. Gay Power; The Bubble (1966); Bubble Bath; The Cabinet of Caligari (1962); Calimari Union; Calamari Wrestler; The Calistra Zipper Story; Can Dialectics Break Bricks?; Can Heironymus Merkin Ever Forget Mercy Humppe and Find True Happiness?; Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death; The Cannibals (1988); Carnival Magic; The Carrier (1988); A Case for a Rookie Hangman; Casshern; Catnapped!; Cat Sick Blues; Celestial Wives of Meadow Mari; Cheap Smokes; Che strano chiamarsi Federico [How Strange to Be Named Federico]; Chicken of the Mound (2021); Christ the Movie; City of Pirates; Club of the Discarded; The Color out of Space (2010); Combat Shock; Coming Apart; The Coming of Sin (La visita del vicio); “The Committee” (1968); The Complaint of an Empress; Confessions; Cool Cat Saves the Kids; Cool World; Cosmos; Crank: High Voltage; Creating Rem Lezar; Creatures of Destiny; Creep (2014); Criminal Lovers; Cuadecuc, Vampir; Dance With The Devil; Dancer in the Dark; Dandy Dust; Dante 01; Darkside Blues; The Dark Side of the Heart; Darktown Strutters; Daymaker; Day of the Wacko; Dead Billy; Deafula; Deathgasm; Death Powder (1986); Decoder; Deep Dark; Detention; The Devil’s Chair; Devil’s Rain; Diamond Flash; Dick Tracy; Die Fighting; Die Gstettensaga: The Rise of Echsenfriedl; La Distancia; Divine Intervention; The Dog’s Night Song; Dogura Magura; Dolls (2002); “Dream Corp LLC”; Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath; Dreams That Money Can Buy; The Drifting Classroom; The Earl Sessions; Earth Minus Zero; Eika Katappa; Einstein’s Brain [AKA Relics: Einstein’s Brain]; Elecktrick Children; El Televisor (1974); Electroma; Emperor Tomato Ketchup; Endgame (2000); The End of August at the Hotel Ozone; End of the Road; Entr’Acte (1924); Essex Spacebin; The Eternity Man; Even Hitler Had a Girlfriend; Existo: The Forbidden Movie; “Factory Witch”; Fateful Findings; Fatty Drives the Bus; Faust (1926); Faust: Love of the Damned; Fear and Desire; Fear X; Felix the Cat: The Movie; Fiend (1980); The Fifth Season; Finisterrae; Fire in the Sky; First on the Moon; Fish Story; Flaming Creatures; Flaming Nipples; Flesh of the Void; Flexing with Monty; “The Flood”; Flying Saucers Over Istanbul; Fool’s Fire (1992); Four Rooms; Fractured [AKA Schism] (2013);Frankenhooker; Freak Orlando; Freddy Got Fingered; Frequencies [AKA XVO: The Manual]; Fresh Kill; Friend of the World; From Morn to Midnight; Frontier; The Fruit of Paradise; “Fun in Balloon Land”; Funny Bones; Future War; Galaxy Express 999; Galaxy Turnpike ; Gandu; The Gateway [Brama] (2017) (depending on availability); George Washington; Gerry; “Ghosts Before Breakfast”; Glory to the Filmmaker!; “God Hates Cartoons”; Golem (1980) (depending on availability); Goodbye 20th Century; Gorod Zero; Gory Gory Hallelujah; Goto: Island of Love; The Great McGonagall; The Great Satan; The Green Elephant (1999); Grimm Love; Gwen le Livre de Sable; Gymkata; Gyo: Tokyo Fish Attack; Hail the New Puritan; Hair Extensions; Hallelujah Hills; Hands of God (2005, d. Alyson Levy); Hanzo the Razor; Happy End (Czech, depending on availability); Hardgore; Heat; Heaven and Earth Magic; Helen Keller vs. Nightwolves; Hells; Helter Skelter (2012); “Hen, His Wife” [AKA “His Wife is a Hen”]; Hentai Kamen; Hiroku the Goblin; The Hole; Homebodies (1974); Homicide Evidence 3; Homoti; Horrors of Malformed Men; “Hospital Brut”; House (1986); The Housemaid (1960); ‘Hukkunud Alpinisti’ hotell [Dead Mountaineers Hotel]; Human Animals; Hunger (1966); Hysteria; I Be Area; I Bought a Vampire Motorcycle; Iguana Tokyo; The Illusionist (1983); I’m Not There; Impolex; Imprint; “Inauguration Of The Pleasure Dome,” I Never Left the White Room; The Infernal Comedy: Confessions of a Serial Killer; Inflatable Sex Doll of the Wastelands; In the Realm of the Senses; The Intruder (2004) [L’intrus]; Irreversible; I Saw the Devil; It Couldn’t Happen Here ; The Item (1999); Izo; Jack and the Beanstalk (1974, Japan); Jacky in the Kingdom of Women; Jawbreaker; Jigoku (1960); Jigoku no Banken: Akai Megane [The Red Spectacles]; “John from Cincinnati”; Johnny Aquarius; A Journey Into Bliss; Journey Through the Past; Journey to the West [Xi you]; Jubilee; Junkie; Kamikazie ‘89; Kamikaze Girls; Kárate a muerte en Torremolinos (depending on availability); The Keep; Kidz Klub; Killer Condom; The Killing Room; Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors; King Lear (1987, Godard); Kitchen Stories; Knightriders; Krysar (AKA The Pied Piper of Hamelin); Kultur Shock!; Kung Fu from Beyond the Grave; Kung Pow; Kuso; La Belle Verte; Lakki… The Boy Who Could Fly (AKA Lakki… The Boy Who Grew Wings); Last Battle; The Last Days of Planet Earth; Last House on Dead End Street; The Last of Us; The Last Wave; The Last Winter; The Lathe of Heaven; The Legend of 1900; The Legend of Kaspar Hauser (2012); The Legend of the Titanic; LFO; The Lickerish Quartet; The Lightest Darkness; Litan; The Little Mermaid/Malá Morská Víla (1976); Little Murders; Little Red Riding Hood and the Monsters; Live Freaky! Die Freaky!; The Living and the Dead; Lot (in Sodom); Love, Honor and Obey; Love Torn In A Dream; Lowlife (2012); Lo Zio di Brooklyn; Lucia (2013); Machotaildrop; Madam Satan; Magdalena Viraga; Maggots and Men; The Magic Toyshop; The Magus; Makkhi; Malatesta’s Carnival of Blood; Malcolm (1986); Ma-Ma; The Manipulator; Manual of Evasion LX94; The Man Who Haunted Himself; The Man Who Wasn’t There; Margret’s Museum; Marketa Lazarova; Marutirtha Hinglaj; Matador; Matango; “Max Headroom” (TV); Max My Love; Mazeppa; Meatcleaver Massacre; Mécanix; Melancholie der Engel; Memoirs of a Survivor; Mercy (2006); Mermaid in a Manhole; Le Météore; Mickey One; “The Middleman”; The Midnight After; Midnight Ballad for Ghost Theater; Midori; Midsummer Night’s Dream (1935); The Miracle Fighters; Mom (1986); “Mona Lisa Descending a Staircase”; Monday (depending on availability); Mondo Candido; Mondo Trasho; The Monitors; Monobloc; “The Monster of Nix”; “Mood House”; Morbo; Motorama; Mr. Blot’s Academy; Mr. Universe; The Musick; Mutant Aliens; My 20th Century; My Brother Has Bad Dreams; Myra Breckenridge; The Mysterious Castle in the Carpathians; Napoleon Dynamite; Neighbors; Neji-shiki [AKA Screwed]; Never Belongs to Me; Newsboys: Down Under the Big Top; Nick the Feature Film; Nitwit; Noisy Requiem (1988); The Northerners; Oh Dad, Poor Dad (Momma’s Hung You In the Closet & I’m Feeling So Sad); Om Dar-B-Dar; Onirica: Field of Dogs; Okna, okna [Windows, Windows]; Onward to Calgary; Once Upon a Time in Anatolia; Operation: Endgame; The Other Side of the Underneath (1972); The Outskirts; Overturn; Palindromes (re-review); Passages from Finnegans Wake; Pastoral Hide and Seek; “Pate” 2001; Penitentiary III ; Perfect Lives; Perfect Sense (2011); Period Piece; Pig; Pink Narcissus; Pistol Opera; Polar Express; Pola X; Post Tenebras Lux; Pound; “Premium” (if it can be found); The President’s Analyst; Príncipe Azul; Project A-Ko; Psychos in Love; Quick Billy; Quicksilver Highway; The Quiet Earth; A Quiet Place in the Country; “Rabbits”; La Razon de Mi Vida; Reckless; Recollections of the Yellow House; “Red, White and Zero”; Remainder; Repentance; The Ring Finger; River of Fundament; Rock-a-Doodle; Rock and Roll Frankenstein; Rocks in My Pocket; The Roe’s Room; Roots of Evil (1979); Rows; Runaway Nightmare; Sauna; The Sea That Thinks; Secret Ceremony; Secrets of Sex (1970); Shakespeare’s Plan 12 from Outer Space; Shakes the Clown; Shackled; Shinbone Alley; Shin Kamen Rider; Shock! Shock! Shock!; Shredder Orpheus (1989); The Shutka Book of Records; Siesta; Silent Night Deadly Night 4; Silver Heads; Sisters; The Slit [AKA United Trash]; Snow White and Russian Red; Sombre; Sonatine; Space Is the Place (official re-review); Space Thang; A Spell to Ward off the Darkness; Spermicide; Spermula; Sphere; The Spirit; Spirits of the Dead; Spork; Star Time; Straight on Till Morning; Strangers in Paradise; Student Bodies; Subway (1985); Suddenly Last Summer; Suicide Club (re-review); Super Deluxe (2019); Super Xuxa vs. Satan; Surviving Life: Theory and Practice; Takeshis’; Taking Tiger Mountain; Talking Head; Talk to Her; TAMALA2010: A Punk Cat in Space; Tasher Desh; Teknolust; Terror 2000; That Day; That Deadwood Feeling; Themroc; Theodore Rex; The Thingy: Confessions of a Teenage Placenta; Three… Extremes; Thriller: A Cruel Picture; Throw Away Your Books Rally in the Streets; Ticket of No Return; Tierra; Tin Can Man; Tokyo Decadence; Tomorrow Night; Totò che visse due volte; Tough Guys Don’t Dance; Tout Va Bien; Toys; The Tracey Fragments; Track 29; Trainspotting; “Trapped in the Closet”; The Treasure Planet (1982); “Triangulo”; Tribulation 99; “Tricia’s Wedding”; Tristian et Iseult (1972); The Tune; Turbo Kid; Turn in Your Grave; The Twonky; “Ultra Pulpe” (on “Apocalypse After” compilation); Uncle Meat; Underwater Love; Urusei Yatsura 4: Lum the Forever (1986); U-Turn; The Vagrant (1992); Vase de Noces; Velvet Goldmine; Vermillion Souls; Vertige; Vigasiosexploitation; Village of the Damned (1960); Violated Angels; The Virgin Psychics; Visions of Suffering; Visitor of a Museum [Posetitel muzeya]; ¡Vivan las antípodas!; Vom Graben; Wake in Fright; Water & Power (1989); Wave Twisters; We Are the Strange; Welcome Home Brother Charles; Welcome to Woop Woop; Whatever Happened to Vileness Fats; Where the Dead Go to Die; White Noise (2022); White Tiger; Who Can Kill a Child?; Wild Bill (1995); Wilder Napalm; Wild Tigers I Have Known; Winter Vacation; Wise Blood; The Witches; Without Warning; The Woman Chaser; The Woman in the Fifth; A Woman’s Face (1940); Womb; The World’s Greatest Sinner; The Wretches Are Still Singing; A Writer of Ghost Stories; Yaji and Kita: The Midnight Pilgrims; Yes Sir! Madame; You Never Can Tell (1951); Youth Without Youth.
Geek Maggot Bingo to this day is one of the weirdest, most artistic films I’ve ever seen. Similar vibes to the forbidden zone.
Things (1989)
Its on Tubi 🙂
Our review:
How come “Ten nights of dreams” (Yume jû-ya, 2006) is still not listed here somehow? An amazingly imaginative anthology, it is pure raw material of dreamlike poetic weirdness.
I don’t believe anyone has suggested it before. Also, it’s not easily available: it doesn’t appear to be streaming anywhere, and physical media releases went out of print years ago. We can add it to the list and track it down, though.
Surely hard to find but, believe me… it is totally worth it! A must see in this reference website.
you forgot the very weird movie Walrus.
Now there’s a crazy weird movie!!
Don’t know of a movie called “Walrus,” do you possibly mean “Tusk“?
Or Mickey Reece‘s “Walrus” (2011)?
I think the movie Enthiran (sometimes spelled Endhiran, both translate to Robot) would be an interesting entry. It’s a sci-fi Indian movie.
OK, we’ll attempt to squeeze “Enthiran” in at some point.
I know it’s been mentioned here but the movie Blaze (2023) hasn’t been reviewed
Also missing out on a potential weirdest scene nomination with clay animals singing a flaming lips song
Oops! We somehow missed Blaze’s quiet release to the wider world. I’ll add it to the queue.
I’d like to recommend The Possessed (La Donna del Lago), 1965, recently re-released by Arrow. It’s being marketed as a ‘proto-giallo’ but it most reminded me of the works of Robbe-Grillet, particularly L’Immortelle, but also Last Year at Marienbad. There’s a fractured subjectivity, and a sliding between genres that characterizes many a quality weird film, and it also just has a strange atmosphere to it.
Perhaps that mysterious quality comes from the fact that it was co-written by Giulio Questi. I’ll add it next update.
Ash Ward: I can add “Geek Maggot Bingo” to the queue, I am a little surprised it’s not there already.
I came across “Chompy & The Girls” on a monster-movie list I found somewhere on Google when searching for something weird to watch with my sister. The film’s brief synopsis, and Udo Kier’s featured voice acting, completely blew us away, and we went all in. Later, after recognizing how much she loved it, I DM’d the film’s director, asking if they had any props I could buy from them to gift to my sister for Christmas, to which he graciously accepted. Though I’m definitely biased towards them, I’m sure you’ll enjoy it!! 🙂
I can add “Chompy” to the huge reader-suggested queue next update.
You may want to add VENUS DROWNING to the Apocrypha list. I’m not sure it’s a good movie, but it definately has its share of weird.
Synopsis from IMDB:
After a failed suicide attempt a vulnerable woman moves to a remote seaside town where she finds a limbless creature on the beach. Soon a quasi-sexual relationship develops between the two with the creature feeding of orgasms.
OK PK, will add to suggestion queue on your recommendation.
I’m a little surprised that Sydney Pollack’s 1969 fever-dream masterpiece They Shoot Horses, Don’t They? wasn’t mentioned. Love that many of my favorite oddball films from childhood (Electric Dreams, The Wizard of Speed and Time, The Peanut Butter Solution, etc.) are already under consideration though! 🙂
Sorry for the late reply. I am aware of the existence and general plot of They Shoot Horses but I’m not sure anyone here has suggested it as a weird movie before, though. I can put it into the queue and we can decide later. You should be happy that The Peanut Butter Solution is officially Apocrypha (which may sound like a paradox, but we dig paradoxes).
What are you guys’ opinion on El Conde (2023)
The movie that portrays Augusto Pinochet as a vampire? Never saw it, noticed it, considered covering it but ultimately didn’t. Have you seen it? Do you recommend it?
I’d say the film is both pretty good and at least weird enough to take a gander.
Very happy to see It Couldn’t Happen Here is already on the waitlist – I’ve been wanting to read your take on it for a while! It’s a very weird pop star vehicle that was loathed at the time, but seems to be gaining more critical favour nowadays. (Though I still think it’s a big Beware.)
Thanks for the comment Melanie. And we will add “El Conde” to the list for anonymous.
Just got through watching the Brakhage-esq VHS tape The Forgotten Colours of Dreams from 2018. I think it might deserve a chance on Apocrypha. But perhaps it’s best to be thrown into the suggestion box first…
OK Morgan, I’ll add it next update.
3 possible contenders
1. In 2023, a youtuber named Calobi Productions made a film with only 6 people making called Our Drawings, and the film is a poorly rendered acid trip that’s admirable but still WTF bad
2. I was wondering about the 1911 Pinocchio film, because it felt like the entire Pinocchio story on speed.
3. Not really a proposal, but what were y’alls view on Benjamin Button.
1. Seems quite doable. Not really familiar with 2. And for 3., I saw it, liked it, didn’t love it, and didn’t think it was especially weird.
Here’s some, The Adventures of Superpup (1957), a Superman serial where everyone is in a cheaply made animal costume, and Blackstar (2015) for shorts, a surrealist music video and one of the final things Bowie made before he passed.
OK Anon, “Adventures of Superpup” sounds like a legitimate oddity and, although we try to steer away from featuring music videos, we might just make an exception for Bowie.
Just looked that up, and apparently it’s only 22 minutes long?
I have three weird (and excellent) film recommendations:
1. The Eve of Ivan Kupalo (1969): An beautiful and extremely surreal Ukrainian folktale with stunning imagery.
2. The Passing (1983): A strange shot on video sci-fi/horror. Very well made despite it’s low budget. An incredibly trippy ending.
3. Limbo (1999): A SOV experimental feminist horror film. Very surreal, like a low budget David Lynch.
I’m constantly surprised that people can still come up with suggestions we’ve never heard of. The Passing looks like it’s available on Tubi, so that’s the one we’ll target.
Jack Be Nimble (1993, New Zealand) – Psychic powers, fairy tale style foster parents, homemade technology.
Sorry for neglecting the thread. Yes, Pete, “Adventures of Superpup” is only 22 minutes: it’s a TV show pilot that was never picked up. And I can add “Jack Be Nimble” to the queue for Adam.
S.O.S a bizarre series of stitched together music videos which features images as Jesus Christ on the cross while a nuclear holocaust is happening, made all the weirder is that it was made by a real Christian sex cult to recruit members
That’s pretty damn obscure. It’s from 1989. I’ll place it in the queue.
I would like to suggest Little Runmo ( for Saturday Shorts
Great list!
I recommend to add –
Empire V – Viktor Ginzburg (2022)
W – Anna Eriksson (2022)
1984 – Diana Ringo (2023)
Of those, I think Ringo’s version of 1984 looks most promising and easiest to get hold of, so I’ll add it to the queue next update.
Prague Nights— “horror” anthology, wonderfully creepy atmosphere.
Sure, Prague Nights is one we’ve discussed before, I can add it to the queue.
Two examples of corporeal filmmaking at its best:
Bertolucci’s La Luna, inspired by Deleuze (and an Adrian Martin favourite:
Claire Denis’s L’intrus (The Intruder).
Sorry it took so long to reply. After a little research, “L’Intrus” seems more promising for our purposes, so I’ll add it to the queue.
1.) The unintentionally weird Adam Sandler box office bomb The Cobbler
2.) Wayne Wang’s Godardian black comedy Life is Cheap… But Toilet Paper is Expensive
I’m going to make an executive decision to pass on anything Adam Sandler (not in perpetuity, but for the time being), but allow “Life is Cheap… But Toilet Paper is Expensive” to make it through to the queue.
The Seventh Continent (1989) Michael Haneke’s first film. Two emotionally repressed Ford-driving Austrians and their somber, neurotic, itchy little girl decide they are fed up with materialism and the rat race, with disturbing consequences. Told in three parts, each depicting one day in their lives in three successive years. Said to be inspired by a true story. Bonus: the most unexpected appearance of Meat Loaf in a movie.
I guess we could give it a shot if you think it’s weird.
I should mention that the movie is in three easily distinguishable parts. True weirdness doesn’t sink its teeth in until the third part.
A few things
1. I was the person who suggested The Adventures of Superpup (1957). Got a little excited not realizing the runtime, is it still on the table for Saturday Shorts?
2. Another short I would suggest is Little Runmo (2019), a youtube video about a video game character trying to find an extra life and… it goes downwards from there
“Superpup” is probably not a Saturday Short candidate as it needs a lot of context and I haven’t found a legit copy of it (just clips). I can look into your second suggestion, though.
‘Coronavirus Conspiracy’ (2021).
Barely anything to do with Coronavirus. basically about monkey overlords who run a computer simulation of our Earth on a hard drive.
Note: Also known under an alternate title as ‘Coronavirus Conspiracy: Safer at Home’.
OK, we’ll see if we can fit coverage in somehow.
Has any of Juraj Herz’s films been discussed? (Primarily Morgiana, Beauty and the Beast, & Ferat Vampire)
Well, The Cremator, obviously, and also Beauty and the Beast. Would you like to recommend one of the other two?
Dudes and Dragons
Which Clone? There are a number of movies (mostly shorts) with that title. I suppose we could try Dudes and Dragons, though I do have to say it doesn’t appear especially weird from what I can tell.
Cocaine crabs from outer space
You guys are just making stuff up now. [EDIT]: Checked Google, it’s real. Into the queue for “Cocaine Crabs from Outer Space.”
The Strange Case of Señor Computer, a year 2000 low-budget B&W indie that’s seemingly narrated entirely in 90s-vintage Text To Speech, about the sex lives of a depressed asshole scientist and his AI robot that’s cooler than him.
Will add The Strange Case of Señor Computer (2000) to that massive queue next update.
Possible idea for Channel 366
You had previously showcased Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared 1 & 2, so I would like to see both the subsequent 4 YouTube shorts, and the BBC TV continuation, both of which up the surreal nature of the original.
I would also like to recommend Unedited Footage of a Bear, a short that starts as bear footage, before it’s interrupted by an ad that… goes downhill.
Interesting suggestion, I was unaware of the TV series (or that the shorts had progressed beyond the second installment–or perhaps I knew but forgot). I’ll add the “Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared” TV series to the queue.
I like to recommend A Visit To The Underground Cities of Mars (1977) by a UFO cult called Unarius Academy of Sciences and what looks from looking at a short clip seems to bring the amount of weirdness you would expect from a movie by a UFO cult
I have yet to see it though since the only way I’ve found that you can get it is buying it from the UAOS’s website (though they seem like a pretty harmless cult)
The Unarians are still around?! OK, I’ll add “A Visit To The Underground Cities of Mars” to the queue.
Not seeing many films from the 1900s or 1910s. But I just came back from watching The Conquest of the Pole from 1912 by Georges Melies. It might perhaps be his strangest with a montage of flying contraptions and an iceberg ogre.
Please look up Chompy and the Girls (2021). Already a batshit premise and monster idea that has an even more batshit execution.
I can add “The Conquest of the Pole” and “Chompy and the Girls” to the queue.
Angel (1983)
I first heard of it when Eli Roth mentioned it on a podcast and finally watched it on YouTube yesterday.
Curious what you think about it.
OK, we’ll add it next update.
I caught Tuesday in the theater recently and agree it probably deserves mention in these pages, though I’m not sure when we will be able to work it in.
A movie that’s good to cover for new release is The Sweet East directed by Sean Price Williams (the cinematographer of films like Good Time)
OK, looks like a good suggestion, will seek it out.
Possible movie recommendation. The Cube, a sci-fi teleplay (unrelated to Natali’s film) about a man trapped in a cube constantly being met with conflicting truths from weirdo visitors. It’s like a proto Black Mirror episode and was made by Jim Henson in one of the few works made without Muppets, or any puppet for that matter
Sure, we can search it out. “The Cube” from 1969.
I think I may have accidentally deleted someone’s legitimate comment when clearing out spam. I seem to recall skimming a suggestion for “Joe vs. the Volcano” but it’s not showing up here.
A couple of films I watched recently that I thought deserved checking out.
The Crazy Family – An unhinged Japanese black comedy that’s sort like a cross between Malcolm in the Middle, The Shining and The Seventh Continent! Recently got a region free Blu-Ray release from Third Window and Error 4444.
The Savage Hunt of King Stakh – A Belarusan gothic folk horror mystery that has a dreamlike atmosphere throughout and some strikingly surreal imagery. Got a great release from Deaf Crocodile!
I’ll add The Savage Hunt of King Stakh to the queue, because I was strongly considering adding it to our coverage universe last week anyway. Your recommendation pushes it over the edge.
Big recommend on ORG from 1979, bizarre mix of Brakhage & Kenneth Anger with naked Terence Hill & an outer space storyline.
OK, C.O., will add to queue.
Got two good shorts for you, both made by Felix Colgrave
Double King:
Both of which are like Little Runmo by putting us in the shoes of a video game character, and showing that being in video game world is basically like being in a Cronenberg film
Hey, been a long time!
Another I kept putting off from mentioning because it was already shortly covered on the site as a Reader Recommendation: Escoriandoli, by Antonio Rezza. Don’t know how it works when it’s already been done but I figured I might as well try.
The channel Archivo Italia posted it on Youtube with English subtitles in 2022, and with previously no other places having them, trying to watch it without understanding it made me think this would probably be the closest we ever get to having a real (albeit relatively SFW) “Mushy Vegetables”.
“Escoriandoli” fair game since it never got an official review. Also, “Mushy Vegetables” is a deep cut, kudos!
The 1989 action-pack fest Action U.S.A.