“Je me suis drapé dans ma conception du fantastique, et ce n’est pas celle de tout le monde.” – Christophe Gans
DIRECTED BY: Christophe Gans
FEATURING: Radha Mitchell, Laurie Holden, Jodelle Ferland
PLOT: After her adopted daughter’s sleepwalking problem turns hazardous, her concerned mother decides to investigate the name of the town that she mutters in her narcoleptic fits: “Silent Hill.” The pair travel to the titular locale, a modern ghost town that has been abandoned for decades due to a coal fire that continuously burns underground. Once inside the city limits, mother and daughter are separated, and the mother’s search for her lost child leads her through increasingly bizarre and portentous adventures in the haunted town.
- This film was adapted from the cult/horror Sony Play Station video game, “Silent Hill”. Movie adaptations of video games were (are) a relatively new phenomenon, and had generally not been well received by either movie critics or fans. Although these movies debuted with the advantage of a built in fan base, Super Mario Bros. (1993), Wing Commander (1993), and Doom (2005) had all been massive critical and box office flops, and that’s leaving aside the efforts of Uwe Boll. Although the Lara Croft and Resident Evil franchises became minor hits, by 2006 the entire video game adaption genre had already become a critical punchline, synonymous with diminished expectations.
- Director Christophe Gans, a French b-movie film-geek turned director, was a fan of the “Silent Hill” game series and convinced that he could fashion the first truly successful game adaptation. He had previously had a surprise international (and modest stateside) hit with Brotherhood of the Wolf [Le Pacte des loups] (2001), a weird but energetic historical/detective/horror/kung fu hybrid.
- Screenwriter Roger Avary assisted Quentin Tarantino on the scripts for Reservoir Dogs (1992) and Pulp Fiction (1994), as well as handling both screenwriting and directing duties on his own projects, such as Killing Zoe (1994).
INDELIBLE IMAGE: Blankets of ash falling over a deserted town like snow, until the eerie stillness is broken by the shrill wail of a 1950s era air raid siren.
WHAT MAKES IT WEIRD: Gans paints his murky canvas with the expected monstrosities from deep inside the id, but it’s the film’s disjointed storytelling that turns it from a mere visual romp through scary-town into something totally disconcerting and off-kilter.
Original trailer for Silent Hill
COMMENTS: The critics agree: Silent Hill is a fantastic looking picture, but the script is even murkier than the unlit, hellish underground coal mines that heroine/mom Rose (Radha Mitchell) so frequently finds herself rushing through. Despite being a critical flop (rating a surprisingly low “30% Fresh” on Rotten Tomatoes tomatometer) the film has a small cult of ardent defenders who are awed by the phantasmagorical imagery.
I find myself caught somewhere between these two camps. The negative critical reaction seems partially based on the lemmingesque piling on of video game adaptations, as well as a misplaced fetish for strict realism. Still, the critics have a point in that much of Silent Hill‘s scriptural incoherence results from plain lazy writing, rather than a choice to tell the story in a deliberately disjointed manner.
In my mind, these sins make Silent Hill a flawed movie, but not an irretrievably damned one. Ironically, the sloppiness of the script helps make Silent Hill a weirder experience; we can’t actually follow the heroine’s journey in a linear fashion, and without a narrative lifeline we find ourselves flailing in Gans wash of demonic imagery. We become as confused as the characters trapped inside the ghost town, and filled with almost as much uncomprehending dread.
There are several reasons that Silent Hill‘s screenplay winds up so incomprehensible. First, it’s obvious that the filmmakers tried to squeeze too much of the mythology and backstory of the game’s universe into the film’s two hours and seven minutes. A game can take its time revealing its story; gamers demand up to a hundred hours of gameplay, but movies’ running times are limited by the frailties of human buttocks and bladders. There are entire subplots here, like one involving a rural cop with scarred palms who may or may not be a pawn of the evil forces running the town, and another involving a nurse whose innocent curiosity somehow leads her into a hellish spectral half-life, that the story only has time to wave at. They probably should have been dropped entirely. There’s so much backstory, in fact, that at one point the screen goes white and a narrator has to explain the meaning of all the “clues” the script has been piling up. It’s reported that the original cut of the film ran three and a half hours, and it’s quite probable that much of the material that would have made the story lucid wound up on the cutting room floor.
Second, there’s that just-plain-lazy scriptwriting by the once-respected Roger Avery. We reluctantly accept the idea that Rose would choose to treat her emotionally disturbed child by taking her to a ghost town as a necessary, if irritatingly irrational, device for getting the movie started by introducing the characters into their fish-out-of-water predicament. But why does Rose suddenly put pedal to metal and lead a motorcycle cop at a routine traffic stop on a high speed chase when she suddenly notices the off ramp for Silent Hill? Could it be that the writer didn’t care enough to think up some logical means for setting up the automobile crash that separates Rose and her daughter Sharon inside Silent Hill’s city limits, or for introducing the cop into the story as the sidekick?
More sloppiness is demonstrated by the fact that certain clues Rose follows in her search for Sharon seem to be beamed directly in her head, rather than shown to the audience. At one point she rushes around town glancing at maps while searching for a particular building, and we have no idea what she’s searching for. At another point, Rose reaches into a corpse’s mouth to pull out a plot point stuck inside its decaying maw, but the viewer is given no clue what possessed her to take on this icky task.
Sprinkled among these logical and psychological inconsistencies are legitimate mysteries that are later explained by the story, such as why the shadowy figures pursuing Rose suddenly give up and scatter when a caged bird starts chattering and beating its wings.
Back to those spectacular visuals. The film is at its most successful in the three sequences where Rose is thrust into a nightmarish world contained in the bowels underneath the city. This realm is full of impossible geometries, rooms that are infinitely larger on the inside than the outside, corridors littered with decrepit machinery, subterranean corrals cordoned off with chain link fences and barbed wire, and some of the most memorably menacing monsters recently committed to celluloid, who lurk around every corner and pop into frame whenever the director feels it’s time for a less subtle scare. Not to mention the over-the-top, apocalyptic finale, about which I will not say much so as not to spoil the effect, except to mention that it is bizarrely gory, and feels like having a front-row seat for the dreadful Judgment Day in the tiny corner of the universe the movie has set aside for us.
Some critics correctly noted that Silent Hill comes out of the European tradition of the fantastique, which rewards atmosphere and treats a linear plot as nothing more than a hook on which to hang the film’s imagery. This doesn’t excuse the American scriptwriter Avery from almost abandoning the plot entirely. But it does help to remind us that, in regards to what Silent Hill values—creating a frightening, hellish atmosphere—it does very well, and in regards to what doesn’t interest it much—telling a coherent story—it does very poorly. A classic movie should have both plot and atmosphere, but a movie that excels at one aspect may still be quite memorable, even if it falls well short of perfection.
Ultimately, Silent Hill would have been a more successful adaptation either if it made far more sense, providing a satisfactory narrative that made our suspension of disbelief seem less like the act of a sap, or if it made far less sense, choosing to follow the path of pure nightmare. As it is, Silent Hill is a phantasmagorical success, whose incoherencies accidentally enhance the movie’s weirder qualities.
IMDB ENTRY: Silent Hill
OFFICIAL SITE: Silent Hill – Official Site
OTHER LINKS OF INTEREST: Interview with Christophe Gans (French)
Rev. Powell’s Plot Summary at badmovies.org
DVD INFO: The Sony DVD release (buy) contains a “Making of” documentary. Also available on Blu-ray
UPDATE 7/9: Recognizing the film’s growing cult credibility, specialty distributor Shout! Factory released a Collector’s Edition Blu-ray of Silent Hill in 2019 (buy). It includes documentary featurettes from previous releases and adds a new commentary track from cinematographer Dan Laustsen and four new interviews: Gans, actors Ferland and Roberto Campanella, and make-up man Paul Jones. This suite makes it the version to get for true fans.
For some reason, I’ve only just noticed that Silent Hill is on the list (squeeeee!). This is one of my top guilty pleasures. I’ve loved the games since the first one; well as much as you can love something that you daren’t play with the lights off, and that leaves you feeling like you need a shower. It’s this last aspect that I think Gans captures so well. I don’t deny it’s a messy, confusing barrage of bizarre imagery, but so are the games. And they’re dirty in every sense of the word. Sex crawls all around Silent Hill and it’s never wholesome. Everything seems like it’s going leave some greasy unpleasant stain. Silent Hill toilets are the Taj Mahal of filth, the Acropolis of disgust against which all other filthy conveniences are judged.They really had to be featured.
The film is a delicious pudding of disgust and fascination, repulsion and attraction. Personally I’d hate to lose the eyeless nurse, I think she’s a fantastic image of undeserved suffering, and for some reason I love that she’s wearing a cardigan. Though, even had it failed in every other regard, it would still be in my collection just for the vision of butch loveliness that is Laurie Holden as Cybil Bennett. I’ve no idea what happens at the very end mind, but by then I don’t care.
There’s room for serious films AND busty, zombie nurses in my life, I’m pleased to say. I’m off to watch this one more time before bed.
A few points: When Rose is rushing about looking at maps we KNOW she is looking for the school as shes just been back to her car and seen her daughters picture of the school.
She takes the “plot point” from the corpses mouth because she sees it in an establishing shot just before, probably thought it might be useful. I’d semi agree with this point.
The police chase? No idea, maybe she already had a lot of unpaid tickets.
Still, a brilliant film. I think it makes more sense if you are a fan of the games but who says plot is always needed to make a film great?
One of the things that TheAmazingAtheist pointed out is how the premise of this film drew all of the plot necessities from the first two games. What’s even more bizarre is how he pinpointed that the first game (upon its release) was a minor spinoff from Jacob’s Ladder; the geographic locations, sound effects and atmosphere for the game drew great influence. He then went on to note how Jacob’s Ladder was a modern day interpretation of The Tibetan Book of the Dead. Thus, he made a chart breaking down how the Silent Hill movie is more or less an attempt at smashing together recycled ideas
We have a movie (Silent Hill)
Based off a video game (Silent Hill 1 & 2)
Loosely referencing a movie (Jacob’s Ladder)
That’s an interpretation of a book (Tibetan Book of the Dead)
The film has a lot of eye-candy for me… the film was partially based off of a true event. A small town in PA by the name of Centralia was normal by any standards… then one day a fire broke out in the nearby coal mine (where many locals worked… because this is the Pennsylvania coal region we’re talking about) and was not able to be distinguished… and well, the fire had a rather large supply of coal so it continued to burn until sinkholes started forming and toxic fumes began to escape from the ground (carbon monoxide being a dangerous byproduct)… eventually, locals were forced to leave their homes and basically everyone dropped everything and left whether they wanted to or not. The coal-mine fire continues to burn strong to this day and Centralia is now one of the most interesting, depressing, creepy, and ironic places on earth.
Let me put it this was… there’s a long-abandoned stretch of highway that used to connect to Centralia that has warped from the heat below and a large crevasse has formed with smoke coming out… it’s really eerie. Also, the town will eventually collapse in on the burnt out coal mine… oh yeah, and in some parts, patches of grass stay green year-round (even in the dead of a snowy winter) because the heat from the fire below melts the snow before it can accumulate and keeps the air around the grass above freezing.
….you can’t make this stuff up.
If you’re a fan of the whole “weak-plot-but-stunning-visually” genre there are loads of titles that will give you way more satisfaction than “Silent Hill”. Above all, if you have the ambition as a filmmaker to be part of the above genre, you have to make sure that the visual aspects are of such high quality that they make up for the lack of a complex narrative.
In my opinion “Silent Hill” underachieves in both departments, and I was surprised it made the list. The visual effects suffers from its apparent and obvious computer generation, constantly reminding us that we are watching a work of fiction, whereas it sets out with the ambition to make the fantastic believable. Unless you automatically regard ghost towns as eerie there is nothing atmospheric in “Silent Hill” and I was also amazed (watching the movie after having read the review here) how much of the movie’s unbearable running time, that took place in settings with a atmosphere-rating equivalent to 0.
Those of you who like this movie should test your conviction with titles such as “The Cell” or “Beyond the Black Rainbow”.
I guess the atmosphere is something you pick up… or don’t. Having played the games helps I guess. In those, the soundtrack plays a major role, combined with the sense of desolation. The people that can be found in Silent Hill are small in number and are seldomly nice, normal people. Somehow this gives an atmosphere that can’t be beat. The movie doesn’t come close. But in my opinion it comes close enough to capture some of that sense of mystery. It’s not in any way a great movie, but I loved the atmosphere as it truely reminded me of the games. Very enjoyable drivel. I am surprised it made the list though!
Review updated to acknowledge the new “Collector’s Edition” Blu-ray from Shout! Factory.
The problem I had was that it took a lot of imagery directly from the games, but the symbolism behind it didn’t carry over because of the numerous tweaks they made to the storyline.
The creature known as “Pyramid Head”, to name just one instance, has a very specific reason for appearing as it does and stalking the protagonist in the source material, but in the movie it’s merely a standard scary boogeyman that menaces the characters for no real reason at all.
What is Pyramid Head’s backstory? I haven’t played the games, but I thought that creature was pretty cool visually. Wish the film would’ve fleshed it out more, as you said.