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Our weekly look at what’s weird in theaters, on hot-off-the-presses DVDs and Blu-rays (and hot off the server VODs), and on more distant horizons…

Trailers of new release movies are generally available at the official site links.


I Was a Simple Man (2021): A dying Hawaiian man remembers his life in what amounts to a living ghost story. One of those poetic movies that is most likely a reach for “weird,” notable for its Hawaiian setting. I Was a Simple Man official site.


Cryptozoo (2021): Read our North Bend Film Festival capsule. The remarkably hand-animated fantasy about the trade in mythological and cryptozoological curiosities comes to Blu-ray (only). Buy Cryptozoo.

“The Evil Dead: Groovy Collection”: This box set includes the original The Evil Dead (1981), the canonically weird Evil Dead II (1987), and the entire run of the TV series “Ash vs. the Evil Dead.” That’s right, no Army of Darkness–look for a separate release later. This set splits eleven discs between regular Blu-ray and UHD. Buy “The Evil Dead: Groovy Collection”.

Mulholland Drive (2001): Read the Canonically Weird entry! Videophiles who are also weirdophiles will want to upgrade their copy of the ‘s Mulholland Drive, now out on a 4K Ultra High Definition disc. Buy Mulholland Drive.

Prisoners of the Ghostland (2021): Read Giles Edwards’ Apocrypha Candidate review! See Sion Sono direct Nicolas Cage in a post-apocalyptic samurai western on Blu-ray, DVD, or in 4K. Buy Prisoners of the Ghostland.

The Singing Ringing Tree (1957): Read the Canonically Weird entry! The surreal East German fairy tale about a princess, a dwarf, and a nightmare goldfish is on Blu-ray for the first time ever (a European release, but an all-region disc). This came out in October but we missed it; to give credit where credit is due, it was Mondo Digital’s recent review that tipped us off to the oversight. Buy The Singing Ringing Tree.

Vanilla Sky (2001): Read Shane Wilson’s review. Paramount is out with a “limited edition” newly remastered Blu-ray of the popular psychological thriller that sees playboy rightfully questioning what’s real and what’s in his head. Buy Vanilla Sky.


This section will no longer be updated regularly. Instead, we direct you to our new “Repertory Cinemas Near You” page. We will continue to mention exceptional events in this space from time to time, however.


Bronson (2008): Read the Canonically Weird review! A strange biopic of a strange man: ‘s profile of inveterate prison brawler Charles Arthur Salvador, who takes the “fighting name” Charles Bronson. It seems like we’ve been here before, but Tubi says Bronson is “leaving soon.” Watch Bronson free on

WHAT’S IN THE PIPELINE: Join us tomorrow night, November 20th, at 10:15 PM as we descend into the spheres of retail with In Fabric (2018). We’ll be using to stream and chat, so be sure you have signed up for a free account there. The link to join will drop here, on Facebook, and on Twitter around 10 PM.

Another small note: new reviews going forward, and older reviews as we sporadically get around to it, will have updated information on streaming availability in the U.S., provided by integration with the Just Watch database. Links will appear at the bottom of each article. This is a small change but we hope it provides value going forward; finding out where you can watch some of the obscure movies we cover has often been a chore.

Next week, plans to give you his opinion on Human Nature, while uses the upcoming holiday as an excuse for a Turkey Shoot. Meanwhile, in the background, we are working on a slimmed-down (and accordingly cheaper) version of our annual Yearbook for a December release, as well as hoping to resume the final stages of work on our much bigger print volume covering the entire run of 366 movies (known colloquially as “the Big Book”). What with the holidays approaching, we should have lots of extra free time, right? Sigh. At any rate, onward and weirdward!

What are you looking forward to? If you have any weird movie leads that we have overlooked, feel free to leave them in the COMMENTS section.

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