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Our weekly look at what’s weird in theaters, on hot-off-the-presses DVDs and Blu-rays (and hot off the server VODs), and on more distant horizons…

Trailers of new release movies are generally available at the official site links.


“Essential Fellini”: A Blu-ray box set release of fourteen films, including all four of his canonically weird titles: 8 1/2, Fellini Satyricon, Roma, and Amarcord. Eleven of the movies are newly restored and the box includes “Toby Dammit” along with hours of documentaries and interviews. Obviously positioned to be the jewel under the Xmas tree for the sophisticated cinephile in your life. Buy “Essential Fellini”.

She Mob (1968)/The Girl from Pussycat (1969): In She Mob, a gang of lesbians (including a leader in the most outrageously impractical steel cone bra you’ve ever seen) kidnap a gigolo; The Girl from Pussycat, meanwhile, plans a bank robbery between lesbian orgies. AFGA cites , , (!), and as points of reference; we suspect that last listed director is the most appropriate comparison, by a wide margin. A Blu-ray double feature. Buy She Mob/The Girl from Pussycat.

Tourist Trap (1979): A man menaces tourists with telekinetically controlled mannequins; weird enough, at least, that a reader suggested it for review. The set in question is a “VHS Retro Big Box Collection,” which means a DVD and a Blu-ray in a VHS style box (no VCR tape). The box may contain a surprise. A standalone Blu-ray edition is scheduled for early 2021. This edition was listed as “out of stock” when we went to virtual press, but you may find it on Full Moon’s official site. Buy “Tourist Trap: VHS Retro Big Box Collection”.


The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920): Featuring the 2020 electro-acoustic score by the Invincible Czars. Half of the proceeds benefit Tuscon’s Loft Cinema. Buy tickets for online screening of The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari.


Theaters across North America are shuttering-up again as a new wave of coronavirus hits. While a few venues remain open—and there’s always drive-ins, where that option exists—it’s up to you to decide if you think it’s safe to go to movie theaters at this time.

WHAT’S IN THE PIPELINE: If you have an Amazon Prime account, join us tomorrow, Saturday November 28, at 10:15 PM (ET) for ‘s trippy dance movie Climax (2019) . As always, the link to join and chat with the group will appear on our homepage, our Facebook page, and our Twitter page around 10 PM ET.

Speaking of trip movies, next week we’ll bring you a review of the nostalgic new magic mushroom indie dramedy, Light Years. That’s it for reviews next week. There’s a reason for that; we’re devoting most of our spare time to putting the finishing touches on the 2020 Yearbook, whose imminent release should be announced on these pages next week. Are you as excited as we are? Probably not, but we’re still proud, relieved to be almost finished, and hopeful that you’ll buy a copy as a gift to that weird cinephile in your life who likes to keep up on recent movies they may have missed. Or, for yourself. Just buy the damn thing, we worked hard on it!

What are you looking forward to? If you have any weird movie leads that we have overlooked, feel free to leave them in the COMMENTS section.

4 thoughts on “WEIRD HORIZON FOR THE WEEK OF 11/27/2020”

    1. A “needless repetition of an idea”, eh? Well, I’ll agree with the “needless” part…


  1. May of missed this from previous weeks but Primer + Upstream Colour are being released on blu-ray by Arrow Films

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