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Our weekly look at what’s weird in theaters, on hot-off-the-presses DVDs and Blu-rays (and hot off the server VODs), and on more distant horizons…
Trailers of new release movies are generally available at the official site links.
Cirkus (2022): A pair of twins are separated at birth; one of them ends up as an electrified circus performer. With almost nothing truly weird debuting in theaters or on home video in this slow holiday season, maybe this wilder-than-usual Bollywood comedy will hit the right note. The trailer’s worth a peek. Cirkus official Twitter page.
“The Kingdom Exodus” [“Riget Exodus”] (2022): Lars von Trier (who was recently diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease) returns with a third (and reportedly final) season of his TV series about a spooky hospital where weird events occur. A good acquisition for cinemaphile streamer Mubi. “The Kingdom Exodus” at Mubi.
This section will no longer be updated regularly. Instead, we direct you to our new “Repertory Cinemas Near You” page. We will continue to mention exceptional events in this space from time to time, however.
The Lobster (2015): Read the Canonically Weird entry! If you’re sick of Christmas movies already, why not get a head start on your Valentine’s Day viewing with Yorgos Lanthimos‘ romantic black comedy about humanity’s universal need to pair up or be turned into an animal of their choice. Watch The Lobster free on Tubi.
“Average Joe Travels the California Inscape”: An absurd fantasy radio-play series starring average detective Average Joe. Some episodes are written by Amy Vaughn and/or “Penguin” Pete Trbovich, all are voiced/narrated by Giles Edwards (with guest voices). The last season had Joe investigating a pumpkin spice caper involving a witch and a leprechaun. Season 6 starts in 2023, and there will be a special episode dropping on Christmas Day. Average Joe Travels the California Inscape home page.
Io Saturnalia to all those who celebrate!
Next week, while half of America is taking their vacation days, we’ll be bringing you a full slate of features. El Rob Hubbard gets you up to speed on Escape to the Silver Globe, a documentary about the making of the ill-fated On the Silver Globe; Shane Wilson dives into the reader-suggestion queue for some 80s music video nostalgia of Electric Dreams (1984); Amy Vaughn describes the Ghost-O-Vision Korean lesbian ghost story Memento Mori (1999), also a long-neglected reader suggestion; and Gregory J. Smalley gives you his first pass rundown of the top 10 movies of 2022 (mainstream edition). Onward and weirdward!
What are you looking forward to? If you have any weird movie leads that we have overlooked, feel free to leave them in the COMMENTS section.
Seeing as I’ve been Nepotized here, I’ll take this liberty of slapping down a link to the holiday episode mentioned.
Happy Christmas, Everyone. Enjoy some Paranoirmal capering.
Whee! Adding to the nepotism comments, just to clear things up:
The witch, Ann Darksyde, and the Leprechaun, Spanky McDongle, are staff members of the 13 Nocturn Alley detective agency in Chatterskull Falls. Together they investigate “paranoirmal” occult crimes.