Category Archives: Saturday Short


I know we’ve already featured a Betty Boop cartoon in this space (Betty Boop in Snow White), but this one was so good, we had to share. In this episode Bimbo falls into a manhole, and finds himself in a hideout for a group of people in black face with melted candle hats. Determined not to join their group, Bimbo puts himself in a lot of danger.

This cartoon contains a wonderfully outdated music score along with some sound effects that are very unique by today’s standards. There is a short peek at what looks like a famous Disney character at the beginning, and, as you may expect, some very surreal imagery throughout.


OOIOO is an all-female avant-garde music group from Japan. Their style is very hard to describe, because it varies so much. Many of their songs have a soothing, majestic feel to them, while this song is strongly tribal based. One thing is for certain, they can move a crowd. Their strong rhythm section compels their listeners to dance.

Directed by Shoji Goto, this psychedelic video focuses on the concept of communication with nature. If drum circles in the forest are your thing, you should most definitely watch this video. If they’re not… well, it doesn’t hurt to give it a try.


“Sultana Meadows” is a fine example of the delightful, under appreciated shorts by Spike McKenzie.  The unsettling images throughout this video are quite reminiscent of David Lynch, and paint a very weird and wonderful picture.

Relationships tend to slowly draw away our good side, and expose the bad.  Mayhap you’ll have much in common with this journey into the bizarre.

For more of Spike visit his YouTube account. I strongly recommend his mock kids show, “Wonderbang Island”.


Another Saturday brings another short film for our readers.

This week was exceptionally difficult, but with some help I selected another short film, “Henri” directed by Will Braden. Henri is a feline who is going to show us a different view on the seemingly carefree life of a house cat. Although this clip is not very weird, it is quite amusing, and certainly worth viewing. Give it a shot. Henri enjoys the attention.


Today’s Saturday Short is a music video made by Chad Vangaalen.   Chad is a musician and artist from Canada who rarely leaves his basement, where he is constantly working.  Besides his passion for music and the visual arts, Chad also has a passion for skateboarding.

In the video you’ll see that Chad’s music style is a combination of indie, folk, pop, and experimental.   He has created a few stop motion videos to advertise his latest album, “Soft Airplane,” but in his other videos he uses computer animation.

Originally, I wanted to use the music video to “Molten Light.”  I find the animation as well as the music to be much better, but this video is a little too graphic for our site.  There are sequences of strong comic violence and nudity throughout.  If that content doesn’t bother you click here.

If you enjoy the music be sure to look up Chad’s alias, “Black Mold,” as well.  He just released an album under the name.