Having an anthropomorphic slug hop out of your ear certainly reaches towards the top of the weirdness scale. But rowing a boat across your own ear canal? Well, that’s just plain insanity.
Having an anthropomorphic slug hop out of your ear certainly reaches towards the top of the weirdness scale. But rowing a boat across your own ear canal? Well, that’s just plain insanity.
I personally like this one quite a bit. The animation isn’t great (it was done with free software), but the imagination is. The last parts remind me of Lynch. Give “Rurf” a shot.
Thanks for the featuring the film. Enjoy a pint of Rurf of me!
Loved the warning on the headache pills.
I really liked this. The visual animation actually reminds me of The Residents’ music videos, which I find rather charming in its own low-tech way. 🙂