Joaquin Phoenix can play a pot-smoking detective investigating a dental cabal (or something like that, who can follow the plot?) in Inherent Vice and not get a sniff from the Academy; but get D.C.’s blessing to dress up like an angsty sociopathic clown, and suddenly it’s Oscar time? Scarlett Johansson plays a Scottish alien who sinks her victims into black goo and it’s like she’s not even in the room, but cast her as an actress with a hit TV show going through a messy divorce—like a third of the Academy’s female voters—and its nomination city, baby. Laura Dern‘s been in about fifty David Lynch movies without Oscar raising a gilded eyebrow, so her agent begged them to cast her as a spunky lawyer in a Noah Baumbach snoozer so she could finally get some recognition. Movies about European dancers taking LSD got zero nominations this year. Feminist comedies about suburban adults wearing braces and giving birth to soccer balls? The same. Movies about how the Homeless King secretly rules Hollywood… well, maybe that one hits too close to home for the Academy. So what do you have to do to get a Most Conventional Picture nomination from the Academy in 2019? Does Martin Scorsese have to make the same movie he’s been making for 50 years now again, only this time cast a bunch of 90-year-old actors to play gangsters in their twenties, and have it run for five hours?
Yes, the Oscars are a joke, and everyone knows it. (Just try finding someone willing to host the ceremony.) But you, my friend, you aren’t content with the same-old same-old. You want weird in your movies. The Weirdcademy Awards are for you, the moviegoer whose friends roll their eyes and sigh loudly when you suggest buying tickets to that movie starring the guy from Twilight having sex with a mermaid.
Although the editors of 366 Weird Movies select the nominees from the pool of available movies, the Awards themselves are a naked popularity contest, and do not necessarily reflect either the artistic merit or intrinsic weirdness of the films involved. The Weirdcademy Awards are tongue-in-cheek and for fun only. Ballot-stuffing is a frequent occurrence. Please, no wagering.
The Weirdcademy Awards are given to the Weirdest Movie, Actor, Actress and Scene of the previous year, as voted by the members of the Weirdcademy of Motion Picture Arts and Weirdness.
Who makes up the Weirdcademy? Membership is open to all readers of 366 Weird Movies. If you can figure out how to vote in the poll, you are smart enough to join. You can not be turned down because of your age, sex, religious affiliation, pronoun, or number of appendages. There is no requirement that you’ve have to actually see any of the movies listed before voting. You can vote for any or all categories.
Vote as many times as you like, but only once per day, please. We’ll keep voting open until February 9 at 12:00 Noon EST, so we can announce our results before the Academy Awards and steal their thunder.
Be sure to also vote for Weirdest Short Film of the Year. To watch all five nominees and to cast your vote, please click here.
Without further delay, we unveil the nominees for the 2018 Weirdcademy Awards below:
Direct links (if you can’t see the embedded polls in your browser):
Weirdest Picture of 2019
Weirdest Actor (Best Actor in a Weird Movie) of 2019
Weirdest Actress (Best Actress in a Weird Movie)
Weirdest Scene of 2019
Question: the voting round has me curious about candidates past, but many of the old polls have been deleted, and those were the only notation of who was nominated each year for what and why. Is there any way the old articles can be edited to note who was in what category for what reasons, or is that content lost for good?
I’m not sure exactly what info you’re looking for, but you can find most of the winners and nominees for past years from this search:
Maybe I ought to put a Hall of Fame type thing up somewhere, though.
Well as an example, if I want to see stuff about the 5th Weirdcademy Awards from 2015, I can go to this link: and see the winners, which is all very fine and dandy. But if I go to this link: where the nominees were announced and the polls held, I cannot see who the other nominees were, because the nominees were only announced in the polls, and the polls are not visible on the page anymore. Hence, my wondering if the pages could be edited to the nominees and cited reasons for their nomination could be included as text that would stay on the page permanently, and aren’t subject to vanishing when the embedded Crowdsignal poll does.
Ah, I see. I can see them on my Crowdsignal control panel, but they changed the way they display the polls so you can’t see them now. I can get that info and repost it, but it may be a while before I get around to that project.
I’ve long thought this place needed a trophy case, perhaps in this hall of fame. And a VIP lounge with cocktails and club chairs.