Suggest a Weird Movie!

Please do not ask “what was that movie?” questions on this page. We set up an entire site here to answer those questions. This page is for suggesting movies to be reviewed.

Know a weird movie? Something strange that glued you to the screen with awe, amazement or reverence, while your more mundane minded friends left the room (or theater) in boredom, confusion or disgust? A movie whose omission from a list of the 366 weirdest movies of all time would offend you on a personal level? Something even I haven’t heard of or considered? There are potentially thousands of forgotten films, critically dismissed films, foreign or independent films that never got a proper release, or misplaced oddities hiding out there that may deserve a place at the table. One man can’t be expected to track them all down. Here is the place to mention those treasured curios that no one else seems to have even heard of. Nominate a movie in the suggestion box and I’ll move it up on my review queue, or at the very least, explain why I’m not going to review it.

NOTICE: The “Suggest of Weird Movie!” feature has become a victim of its own success.  At the time of this update, we have about 250 reader suggestions (!) in queue. (More than that since I last updated the page)! Since we can only do 1 or maybe 2 reviews a week, be aware there may be a huge delay—currently, possibly over a year!—between the time you make a suggestion and the point at which it’s actually reviewed.  I considered shutting down the suggestion box as of 2011, but I decided to let you keep your suggestions coming (if nothing else, it tells us what types of movies readers are interested in seeing reviews of). Just be aware that when you make a suggestion, it may not receive the promptest of attention. The best you can really hope for at this point is to bring something to our attention that we might have overlooked. (Also note that although we prioritize the earliest nominations later suggestions may get reviewed before earlier ones if they receive a re-release on DVD or Blu-ray, or interest us for our own inscrutable reasons).

If you can’t wait for one of our staff to review your movie, why not review it yourself and submit it to us via the contact form?  We can’t swear we’ll publish every submission we receive, but we want reader participation and we are fairly liberal.

All serious suggestions will receive a response, as well as all most non-serious ones.

4,107 thoughts on “Suggest a Weird Movie!”

  1. Here’s the review queue of reader suggestions that have yet to be reviewed, in alphabetical order. Of course, at this point the list is so long that it is likely we will have to leave the task of reviewing the items at the end of the list to our children, but whatever.

    Also, the List is now completed, meaning that these suggestions will be considered for our supplemental “Apocrypha” list, and many will sadly never be reviewed or considered. You may consider them all as reader-suggested honorable mentions.

    *Corpus Callosum (2002); 1984 (2023); 1Day; The 4th Man; 8 1/2 Women; 9 Doigts [9 Fingers]; Aaaaah!; Aachi & Ssipak; Accion Mutante; Adam’s Apples; The Adolescence of Utena; “The Adventures of Superpup”; “Afraid So” from “The Films of Jay Rosenblatt, Vol. 2″; The Aimed School; Alabama’s Ghost; “Alicia” (1994); Alien Alibi; Allegro; Aloys; Alucarda; Amanece, que no es poco; Ana y Bruno; Angel (1983); Angel in the Flesh: The Confidential Report on Mr. Dennis Duggan AKA The King of Super 8 (if it’s ever released); Angst (2018); Anna and the Wolves; The Annunciation; Apartment Zero; Artemis 81; Ascension; As Filhas do Fogo; The Assignment: The Witches Talisman; Avalon (2001); Avida; Bad Lieutenant; The Ballad of Buster Scruggs; Barber Westchester; Beg! (1994); Bernie (1996) (depending on availability); Bibliotheque Pascal; Big Meat Eater; Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey; Birdy; Black Mama; Blaze (2023); The Blazing World; Blood Beat; Blood, Bullets, Buffoons; Blood-Spattered Bride; Bloody New Year; Body Troopers; A Bomb was Stolen [AKA They Stole the Bomb; S-a furat o bomba]; Bone; Book of Revelation (2006); Born of Fire; BoXed; Bread and Circus; Brothers of the Head; Bruce Lee vs. Gay Power; The Bubble (1966); The Cabinet of Caligari (1962); Calimari Union; Calamari Wrestler; The Calistra Zipper Story; Can Dialectics Break Bricks?; Can Heironymus Merkin Ever Forget Mercy Humppe and Find True Happiness?; The Cannibals (1988); Carnival Magic; Coronavirus Conspiracy (2021); The Carrier (1988); A Case for a Rookie Hangman; Casshern; Catnapped!; Cat Sick Blues; Celestial Wives of Meadow Mari; Cheap Smokes; Chicken of the Mound (2021); Chompy & The Girls; City of Pirates; Club of the Discarded; Cocaine Crabs from Outer Space; The Color out of Space (2010); Combat Shock; Coming Apart; The Coming of Sin (La visita del vicio); “The Committee” (1968); The Complaint of an Empress; El Conde (2023); Confessions; “The Conquest of the Pole” (1912); Cool Cat Saves the Kids; Cosmos; Crank: High Voltage;; Creatures of Destiny; Creep (2014); Cuadecuc, Vampir; The Cube (1969); Dance With The Devil; Dancer in the Dark; Dandy Dust; Dante 01; Darkside Blues; Darktown Strutters; Daymaker; Dead Billy; Deafula; Decoder; Deep Dark; Detention; The Devil’s Chair; Diamond Flash; Die Fighting; Die Gstettensaga: The Rise of Echsenfriedl; La Distancia; Divine Intervention; The Dog’s Night Song; Dogura Magura; Dolls (2002); “Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared” (TV series); “Dream Corp LLC”; Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath; Dreams That Money Can Buy; The Drifting Classroom; Dudes and Dragons; The Earl Sessions; Earth Minus Zero; Eika Katappa; Einstein’s Brain [AKA Relics: Einstein’s Brain]; Elecktrick Children; El Televisor (1974); Electroma; Emperor Tomato Ketchup; Endgame (2000); The End of August at the Hotel Ozone; End of the Road; Enthiran; Entr’Acte (1924); Escoriandoli; Essex Spacebin; The Eternity Man; Even Hitler Had a Girlfriend; Existo: The Forbidden Movie; “Factory Witch”; Fateful Findings; Fatty Drives the Bus; Faust (1926); Faust: Love of the Damned; Fear and Desire; Fear X; Felix the Cat: The Movie; Fiend (1980); The Fifth Season; Finisterrae; Fire in the Sky; First on the Moon; Fish Story; Flaming Creatures; Flaming Nipples; Flesh of the Void; Flexing with Monty; “The Flood”; Flying Saucers Over Istanbul; Fool’s Fire (1992); Fractured [AKA Schism] (2013); The Forgotten Colours of Dreams (2018); Frankenhooker; Freak Orlando; Freddy Got Fingered; Frequencies [AKA XVO: The Manual]; Fresh Kill; Friend of the World; From Morn to Midnight; Frontier; The Fruit of Paradise; “Fun in Balloon Land”; Funny Bones; Future War; Galaxy Express 999; Galaxy Turnpike ; Gandu; The Gateway [Brama] (2017) (depending on availability); Geek Maggot Bingo; George Washington; Gerry; “Ghosts Before Breakfast”; Glory to the Filmmaker!; “God Hates Cartoons”; Golem (1980) (depending on availability); Goodbye 20th Century; Gorod Zero; Gory Gory Hallelujah; Goto: Island of Love; The Great McGonagall; The Great Satan; The Green Elephant (1999); Grimm Love; Gwen le Livre de Sable; Gymkata; Gyo: Tokyo Fish Attack; Hail the New Puritan; Hallelujah Hills; Hands of God (2005, d. Alyson Levy); Hanzo the Razor; Happy End (Czech, depending on availability); Hardgore; Heat; Heaven and Earth Magic; Helen Keller vs. Nightwolves; Hells; Helter Skelter (2012); “Hen, His Wife” [AKA “His Wife is a Hen”]; Hentai Kamen; Hiroku the Goblin; The Hole; Homebodies (1974); Homicide Evidence 3; Homoti; Horrors of Malformed Men; “Hospital Brut”; House (1986); The Housemaid (1960); ‘Hukkunud Alpinisti’ hotell [Dead Mountaineers Hotel]; Human Animals; Hunger (1966); Hysteria; I Be Area; I Bought a Vampire Motorcycle; Iguana Tokyo; The Illusionist (1983); I’m Not There; Impolex; Imprint; “Inauguration Of The Pleasure Dome,” I Never Left the White Room; The Infernal Comedy: Confessions of a Serial Killer; Inflatable Sex Doll of the Wastelands; In the Realm of the Senses; The Intruder (2004) [L’intrus]; Irreversible; I Saw the Devil; It Couldn’t Happen Here ; The Item (1999); Izo; Jack and the Beanstalk (1974, Japan); Jack Be Nimble (1993); Jacky in the Kingdom of Women; Jawbreaker; Jigoku (1960); Jigoku no Banken: Akai Megane [The Red Spectacles]; Joe vs. the Volcano; “John from Cincinnati”; A Journey Into Bliss; Journey Through the Past; Junkie; Kamikazie ‘89; Kamikaze Girls; Kárate a muerte en Torremolinos (depending on availability); Kidz Klub; The Killing Room; Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors; King Lear (1987, Godard); Kitchen Stories; Knightriders; Krysar (AKA The Pied Piper of Hamelin); Kultur Shock!; Kung Fu from Beyond the Grave; Kuso; La Belle Verte; Lakki… The Boy Who Could Fly (AKA Lakki… The Boy Who Grew Wings); Last Battle; The Last Days of Planet Earth; Last House on Dead End Street; The Last of Us; The Last Winter; The Lathe of Heaven; The Legend of 1900; The Legend of Kaspar Hauser (2012); The Legend of the Titanic; LFO; The Lickerish Quartet; Life is Cheap… But Toilet Paper is Expensive; The Lightest Darkness; L’intrus [The Intruder]; Litan; The Little Mermaid/Malá Morská Víla (1976); Little Murders; Little Red Riding Hood and the Monsters; Live Freaky! Die Freaky!; The Living and the Dead; Lot (in Sodom); Love, Honor and Obey; Love Torn In A Dream; Lowlife (2012); Lo Zio di Brooklyn; Lucia (2013); Machotaildrop; Madam Satan; Magdalena Viraga; Maggots and Men; The Magic Toyshop; The Magus; Makkhi; Malatesta’s Carnival of Blood; Malcolm (1986); Ma-Ma; The Manipulator; Manual of Evasion LX94; The Man Who Haunted Himself; The Man Who Wasn’t There; Margret’s Museum; Marutirtha Hinglaj; Matador; Matango; “Max Headroom” (TV); Max My Love; Mazeppa; Meatcleaver Massacre; Melancholie der Engel; Memoirs of a Survivor; Mercy (2006); Mermaid in a Manhole; Le Météore; Mickey One; “The Middleman”; The Midnight After; Midnight Ballad for Ghost Theater; Midori; Midsummer Night’s Dream (1935); The Miracle Fighters; Mom (1986); “Mona Lisa Descending a Staircase”; Monday (depending on availability); Mondo Candido; Mondo Trasho; The Monitors; Monobloc; “The Monster of Nix”; “Mood House”; Morbo; Motorama; Mr. Blot’s Academy; Mr. Universe; The Musick; Mutant Aliens; My 20th Century; My Brother Has Bad Dreams; Myra Breckenridge; Napoleon Dynamite; Neighbors; Neji-shiki [AKA Screwed]; Never Belongs to Me; Newsboys: Down Under the Big Top; Nitwit; Noisy Requiem (1988); The Northerners; Oh Dad, Poor Dad (Momma’s Hung You In the Closet & I’m Feeling So Sad); Om Dar-B-Dar; Onirica: Field of Dogs; Okna, okna [Windows, Windows]; Onward to Calgary; Once Upon a Time in Anatolia; Operation: Endgame; ORG (1979); The Other Side of the Underneath (1972); The Outskirts; Our Drawings (2023); Overturn; Palindromes (re-review); Passages from Finnegans Wake; The Passing (1983); Pastoral Hide and Seek; “Pate” 2001; Penitentiary III ; Perfect Lives; Perfect Sense (2011); Pig; Pink Narcissus; Pistol Opera; Polar Express; The Possessed (La Donna del Lago); Post Tenebras Lux; Pound; Prague Nights; “Premium” (if it can be found); Príncipe Azul; Project A-Ko; Psychos in Love; Quick Billy; Quicksilver Highway; The Quiet Earth; La Razon de Mi Vida; Reckless; Recollections of the Yellow House; “Red, White and Zero”; Remainder; Repentance; The Ring Finger; River of Fundament; Rock-a-Doodle; Rocks in My Pocket; The Roe’s Room; Roots of Evil (1979); Rows; Runaway Nightmare; Sauna; The Savage Hunt of King Stakh; The Sea That Thinks; Secret Ceremony; Secrets of Sex (1970); The Seventh Continent (1989); Shakespeare’s Plan 12 from Outer Space; Shakes the Clown; Shackled; Shinbone Alley; Shin Kamen Rider; Shock! Shock! Shock!; Shredder Orpheus (1989); The Shutka Book of Records; Siesta; Silent Night Deadly Night 4; Silver Heads; Sisters; The Slit [AKA United Trash]; Snow White and Russian Red; Sombre; Sonatine; S.O.S. (1989); Space Thang; Spermicide; Spermula; Spirits of the Dead; Spork; Star Time; Straight on Till Morning; The Strange Case of Señor Computer (2000); Strangers in Paradise; Student Bodies; Subway (1985); Suicide Club (re-review); Super Deluxe (2019); Super Xuxa vs. Satan; Surviving Life: Theory and Practice; The Sweet East; Takeshis’; Taking Tiger Mountain; Talking Head; Talk to Her; Tasher Desh; Ten Nights of Dreams (Yume jû-ya, 2006); Terror 2000; That Day; That Deadwood Feeling; Themroc; Theodore Rex; They Shoot Horses, Don’t They?; The Thingy: Confessions of a Teenage Placenta; Three… Extremes; Thriller: A Cruel Picture; Throw Away Your Books Rally in the Streets; Ticket of No Return; Tierra; Tin Can Man; Tokyo Decadence; Tomorrow Night; Totò che visse due volte; Tough Guys Don’t Dance; Toys; The Tracey Fragments; “Trapped in the Closet”; The Treasure Planet (1982); “Triangulo”; Tribulation 99; “Tricia’s Wedding”; Tristian et Iseult (1972); Turbo Kid; Turn in Your Grave; “Ultra Pulpe” (on “Apocalypse After” compilation); Uncle Meat; Underwater Love; Urusei Yatsura 4: Lum the Forever (1986); U-Turn; The Vagrant (1992); Vase de Noces; Velvet Goldmine; Venus Drowning; Vermillion Souls; Vertige; Vigasiosexploitation; Village of the Damned (1960); Violated Angels; The Virgin Psychics; Visions of Suffering; Visitor of a Museum [Posetitel muzeya]; A Visit To The Underground Cities of Mars (1977); ¡Vivan las antípodas!; Vom Graben; Wake in Fright; Water & Power (1989); Wave Twisters; We Are the Strange; Welcome Home Brother Charles; Welcome to Woop Woop; Whatever Happened to Vileness Fats; Where the Dead Go to Die; White Noise (2022); Who Can Kill a Child?; Wild Bill (1995); Wilder Napalm; Winter Vacation; The Witches; Without Warning; The Woman Chaser; The World’s Greatest Sinner; The Wretches Are Still Singing; A Writer of Ghost Stories; Yaji and Kita: The Midnight Pilgrims; Yes Sir! Madame; You Never Can Tell (1951); Youth Without Youth.

    1. I don’t see the horrible “Divinity” which was produced by Steven Soderbergh. I saw a trailer for his upcoming “Black Bag” which looks bizarre.

      No “Substance” mentioned, or is it not weird enough???

  2. While it’s still fresh in my memory, Twilight. No, not the over-hyped vampire, werewolf, human love triangle. Very far from it. Szürkület from 1990. I had a look over some clips and listened to the soundtrack. It’s haunting and very atmospheric and judging by the plot, very grim.

  3. Damon Packard released his first AI movie on Youtube, Terror Above the Sunset Strip. Maybe too long for a Saturday short? It’s 22 minutes, but seems worth a mention.

  4. After looking at some clips from The Purple Ball or Lilac Ball from 1987, it resembles something that AI watched in its early stages and picked up on. Thankfully, the art directors must’ve been far ahead of random computer slop.

  5. I watched History of the Occult (2020) and it’s an Argentinian horror/political thriller film about a journalistic program that aims to expose an occult conspiracy within the government but things take a weird turn in ways you might not expect. Has more than a few “WTF” moments.

  6. A recent movie that I think is at least capsule worthy is Piece by Piece. A fiction-documentary hybrid that’s basically a Pharrell vanity project made entirely out of Lego. Really most of the weirdness is solely in the visuals, in a Fantasia sort of sense.

  7. Short Film recommendation: Franz Kafka’s It’s a Wonderful Life; an appropriately kafkaesque comedy about the author (Richard E. Grant) trying to think of an ending to the Metamorphosis. Won the academy award for best live-action short film.

    1. I made a mistake, he was trying to think of a plot, not an ending. Also the short was nothing to do with It’s a Wonderful Life until the ending.

  8. I watched a film yesterday called The Legend of the Stardust Brothers that, if no one’s suggested it yet, feels very much like something that should be up for consideration here. It’s an 80s musical directed by the son of Osamu Tezuka, Makoto, that has a very Hausu-like aesthetic, lots of cool camera tricks, uses of multiple media, and just a very giddy, wacky live action cartoon aesthetic that also makes room for genuine emotional moments, some goopy body horror, and a couple legitimately shocking images and twists amidst all the slapstick and 80s J-pop, it’s a ride.

  9. Didn’t realize Matthew Bright’s Tip Toes wasn’t on this list, nor is it anywhere on the site from what I can tell. This would seem to be a drastic oversight.

  10. A couple of recent watches that I consider to be on the higher end of the weirdness spectrum:

    Spirit Riser (2024): A serious contender for the strangest film of the year which is saying something. A low budget fantasy/horror/comedy that feels like a Damon Packard film if he got really into anime and YA fantasy.

    Kung Fu Wonder Child (1986): A low budget Taiwanese wuxia fever dream with a screenplay that feels like it was written on the fly and features among other things, potted ghosts, a hopping vampire family and an evil cartoon dragon.

    1. @Gregory J Smalley, currently the only way to watch Spirit Riser that I know of is the Blu-Ray from Art Label which is a label I’d personally keep my eye on as everything they put out is extremely weird.

    1. What Waters said: “Finally, a love story I can relate to.”

      And don’t call me Shirley.

  11. ‘Frankie Freako (2024)’ — “uptight yuppie Conor Sweeney must battle the pint-sized forces of evil that get unleashed through his phone line, led by the maniacal rock ‘n’ roll goblin Frankie Freako.”

  12. The movie with a singing Poop Bucket Puppet – “Irish Catholic” (2023) a crusty punk movie, dark musical comedy is the weridest movie (yet deepest).

  13. “Zoo zéro” is a must!! It is stunning and I really have no idea what is going on. It is a 1979 French film directed by Alain Fleischer and starring Klaus Kinski.

  14. By a strange coincidence, I was just going to see if Zoo zéro is in the queue. I totally second this suggestion.

  15. Possible movie suggestion: Better Man, a similar movie to Piece by Piece, as it’s a stylized biography about Robbie Williams of the band Take That, only the character is a chimpanzee engaging in sex, drugs, & rock n’ roll. It’s a pretty good movie all things considered, but I’m still wondering why.

  16. Balloonerism (2025)

    A short animated film on Amazon Prime that’s intended as a companion to the post-humous Mac Miller album of the same name
    Though both are very surreal

  17. If After Last Season left an impact on anyone, it would probably have to be Courtney Stephens and her film Invention from 2024. The trailer is a pretty strong homage: minimalist keyboard music, cardboard in the background, CGI dreams, questions that go nowhere, and shot on film.

  18. I would like to recommend Longlegs (2024), because it seemingly goes for the normal crime mystery (ala Se7en & Silence of the Lambs) but immediately throws a curveball that results in a surrealist nightmare. Also Nicolas Cage being Nicolas Cage.

  19. Just saw Dead Lover from Grace Glowicki this week. It just came out and would recommend watching it.

    Story revolves around a gravedigger who stinks like corpses and is desperately looking for love. It’s a Frankenstein inspired movie with lots of references to other great movies (Pink Flamingos is one of them) and it includes a really, really, reaaalllyy long finger (need I say more?)

  20. A couple of films that have gotten new physical releases recently that are worth checking out.

    .The Cathedral of New Emotions (2006): Incredibly weird psychedelic animation that’s probably one of the strangest animated films I’ve ever seen if not THE strangest. It makes Fantastic Planet look normal by comparison! Got a Blu from Deaf Crocodile.

    .Disembodied (1998): Low budget horror oddity that’s sort of like Lynch meets Henenlotter. On Blu-Ray from Bleeding Skull.

  21. We always pay attention to your recs, Devon. I was aware of The Cathedral of New Emotions but as with a lot of the super-obscure Deaf Crocodile releases, I was unsure about the weirdness and/or quality. We’ll add it to the queue. We were already keeping an eye on Disembodied and will mention it on an upcoming Pod 366.

  22. ROAR (1981) No animals were harmed in the making of this movie. 70 members of the cast and crew were, including Tippi Hedren and her daughter Melanie Griffith.

  23. Well with the academy awards over, and as someone who survived watching Emilia Perez, I am curious if you think it’s weird enough, at least for a capsule. The trippy numbers, the lyrics that are the verbal equivalent of that scene from Megalopolis of Jon Voight talking about his boner, and just the utter lack of cohesion makes it a “what the hell am I watching” sort of weird.

  24. I would respectfully suggest that “Emilia Perez” is not sufficiently weird for our consideration. I think the elements that are most likely to be construed as strange can more easily be described as “musical” or “French.” (The checklist song set in an Asian sex-reassignment clinic ticks both boxes.) What’s left is the tale of a central character who purportedly seeks to lead a more authentic life but thinks she can carry over the parts of her past that she likes without any of the things she finds inconvenient, a blinkered attitude that the film implicitly endorses. That’s odd, I suppose, but from a storytelling standpoint and not the story itself.

  25. 1. For a film recommendation, what are your thoughts on Luca Guadagnino’s Queer. I at least thought it was capsule worthy, given the anxiety made from the drug scenes.

    2. For a short film recommendation, I would like to see Unedited Footage of a Bear, and adult swim short film, be talked about. I think it does one of the best “hard right turns” into surrealism.

    3. This isn’t a film recommendation, as it’s a video game and thus ineligible, but I would love, in some capacity, be it you playing it or watching a lets play or whatever, to hear your thoughts on Mouthwashing, one of the most bleak and depressing games that’s basically if Lars von Trier or Andrzej Żuławski made Event Horizon.

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Celebrating the cinematically surreal, bizarre, cult, oddball, fantastique, strange, psychedelic, and the just plain WEIRD!