Suggest a Weird Movie!

Please do not ask “what was that movie?” questions on this page. We set up an entire site here to answer those questions. This page is for suggesting movies to be reviewed.

Know a weird movie? Something strange that glued you to the screen with awe, amazement or reverence, while your more mundane minded friends left the room (or theater) in boredom, confusion or disgust? A movie whose omission from a list of the 366 weirdest movies of all time would offend you on a personal level? Something even I haven’t heard of or considered? There are potentially thousands of forgotten films, critically dismissed films, foreign or independent films that never got a proper release, or misplaced oddities hiding out there that may deserve a place at the table. One man can’t be expected to track them all down. Here is the place to mention those treasured curios that no one else seems to have even heard of. Nominate a movie in the suggestion box and I’ll move it up on my review queue, or at the very least, explain why I’m not going to review it.

NOTICE: The “Suggest of Weird Movie!” feature has become a victim of its own success.  At the time of this update, we have about 250 reader suggestions (!) in queue. (More than that since I last updated the page)! Since we can only do 1 or maybe 2 reviews a week, be aware there may be a huge delay—currently, possibly over a year!—between the time you make a suggestion and the point at which it’s actually reviewed.  I considered shutting down the suggestion box as of 2011, but I decided to let you keep your suggestions coming (if nothing else, it tells us what types of movies readers are interested in seeing reviews of). Just be aware that when you make a suggestion, it may not receive the promptest of attention. The best you can really hope for at this point is to bring something to our attention that we might have overlooked. (Also note that although we prioritize the earliest nominations later suggestions may get reviewed before earlier ones if they receive a re-release on DVD or Blu-ray, or interest us for our own inscrutable reasons).

If you can’t wait for one of our staff to review your movie, why not review it yourself and submit it to us via the contact form?  We can’t swear we’ll publish every submission we receive, but we want reader participation and we are fairly liberal.

All serious suggestions will receive a response, as well as all most non-serious ones.

4,004 thoughts on “Suggest a Weird Movie!”

  1. Here’s the review queue of reader suggestions that have yet to be reviewed, in alphabetical order. You can always see this list ordered according to intended order of publication in the weekly “What’s in the Pipeline” column (published on Sundays).

    1 (2009); 3 Dev Adam; 3 Women; The 7 Faces of Dr. Lao; 8 1/2; 200 Motels; 2001: A Space Odyssey; 2012 Aficionado DVD Zine Issue #0; The 5,000 Fingers of Dr. T; Abnormal: The Sinema of Nick Zedd; The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension; Air Doll; Allegro Non Troppo; Amelie; Amanece, que no es poco; The American Astronaut; Angelus; Arrebato; At Midnight I’ll Take Your Soul; The Atrocity Exhibition; Barbarella; Battle Royale; Black Cat, White Cat; Bloodsucking Freaks; Blood Tea and Red Strings; Blue Velvet; The Boxer’s Omen [aka Mo]; A Boy and His Dog; Brain Dead (1990, d. Adam Simon); Brazil; The Bride of Frank; Britannia Hospital; “Broken Glass”; Bubba Ho-Tep; Buffalo ’66; Bunny & the Bull; Candy (1968); Careful; The Cars That Ate Paris; The Casserole Masters; Cat Soup; Celine and Julie Go Boating; The Cell; “Charleston Parade”; Un Chien Andalou; Chingsao the Clown; Christmas on Mars; Cinema 16: European Short Films; Clean, Shaven; Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs; Color of Pomegranates; Conspirators of Pleasure; The Cook, the Thief, His Wife and Her Lover; Cutie Honey; Dark Crystal; Dead Leaves; Dead Ringers; Dellamorte Dellamore [AKA Cemetery Man]; Dogville; Dororo; The Drifting Classroom; Drowning by Numbers; Escanaba In Da Moonlight; Even Dwarves Started Small; Eyes Wide Shut; Fando y Lis; Fantastic Planet; Fast, Cheap and Out of Control; Faust; Fellini Satyricon; The Films of Kenneth Anger, Vol. II (for Lucifer Rising, among others); The Films of Suzan Pitt; Final Flesh; Final Programme; Forbidden Zone; “Foutaises” (short); The Fox Family; “Franz Kafka’s It’s a Wonderful Life;” Freaked; From Beyond; Fudge 44; Fur: An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus; Gainsbourg (Vie héroïque); Garden State (official review); Glen or Glenda?; Goke, Body Snatcher From Hell; La Grande Bouffe; Grendel Grendel Grendel; The Guatemalan Handshake; Head; Hedwig and the Angry Inch; Hell Comes to Frogtown; The Holy Mountain; Horror Express; The Hour-glass Sanatorium [Saanatorium pod klepsidra]; ID; “I Killed My Lesbian Wife, Hung Her on a Meat Hook, and Now I Have a Three-Picture Deal at Disney” (assuming I can find it); The Illustrated Man; The Immaculate Conception of Little Dizzle; Inferno; Inmortel; Innocence (2004); Jack and the Beanstalk (1974, Japan); “Jam” (TV, UK, 2000), Jesus Christ, Vampire Hunter; Johnny Suede; Julien Donkey-boy; Kairo [AKA Pulse]; The Last Days of Planet Earth; The Last Sunset; Leolo; Liquid Sky (re-review); Little Otik; Lost Highway; Love Me If You Dare; Lunacy [Sílení]; Lust in the Dust; The Magic Christian; The Man Who Fell to Earth; Marquis; Master of the Flying Guillotine; May; Meet the Hollowheads; Midnight Skater; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; Mulholland Drive; My Dinner with Andre; The Neverending Story; Nightdreams; Night of the Hunter; The Nines; The Ninth Configuration; Noroi; Northfork; Nothing (2003); Nuit Noire; On the Silver Globe; Orpheus; The Ossuary; Paprika; The Peanut Butter Solution; Perfume: The Story of a Murderer; Persona; Piano Tuner of Earthquakes; Picnic at Hanging Rock; The Pillow Book; Pink Flamingos; Pink Floyd: The Wall; Portrait of Jennie; Possession; Primer; Private Parts (1972); Prospero’s Books; The Quiet; Rampo Noir; Rat Pfink a Boo Boo; The Real McCoy; Robot Monster; The Room; Rubin & Ed; Run Lola Run; The Saddest Music in the World; Safe; Salo, or the 120 Days of Sodom; The Saragossa Manuscript; A Scanner Darkly; Schizopolis; Screamplay; Seom [The Isle]; A Serbian Film (if ever released on DVD, which seems questionable at this point); Session 9; The Seventh Seal; Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band; The Shape of Things; Sheitan; Shock Treatment; Slacker; A Snake of June; Society (official review); Songs From The Second Floor; Strings; Sublime; Sweet Movie; Symbol; The Tale of the Floating World; Tales from the Quadead Zone; Teeth; The Temptation of St. Tony; The Ten; Tetsuo; Themroc; This Filthy Earth; Three Crowns of the Sailor; Throw Away Your Books, Rally in the Streets; Tokyo Gore Police; Toto the Hero [Toto le Héros] The Trial [Le procès] (1962); The Triplets of Belleville; Tuvalu; “Twin Peaks” (TV series); Twister (1989); Uncle Meat; Valerie and Her Week of Wonders (official review); Vera; Videodrome; Weekend; Weirdsville; What Dreams May Come; Wicked City (1992 live-action version); Wild Zero; Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory; Yesterday Was a Lie; Yokai Monsters, Vol. 1: Spook Warfare [AKA Big Monster War]; Zardoz; “Zombie Jesus” (if we can locate it).

    1. “Alice” by Jan Svankmajer is really weird and great. its much better than the burton alice in wonderland. it mixed live action with stop-motion/pixilation of a little girl, toys and bones.

  2. I think a strange one that i never hear to many people mention is ‘Brain Dead’ (NOTE not the zombie movie of the same name.
    A link to identify the movie
    Its a strange tale about a brain specialist who’s work is being manipulated by the large company he works for, or is it ?
    Starring Bill Pulman and Bill Paxton, i think this is a must for the certified weird movie list.

  3. renwad: Brain Dead is a good suggestion, but someone beat you to it. It’s already deep in the queue and we should be getting around to reviewing it sometime in 2015 (I kid—I hope).

  4. I didn’t saw it in massive queue so there I go; Daisies, very pretty and colourful feminist czech movie that’s quite weird and entertainng visually.

  5. You’re right, kay, Daisies wasn’t in the queue. Let’s rectify that! I think there are probably a few more Czech New Wave titles that we haven’t checked out yet.

  6. For crazy Czech films, Has’ Beauty and the Beast is a great choice, as are Birds, Orphans and Fools and Celebration in the Botanical Garden.

  7. LEAVES: I assume you mean this Beauty and the Beast: All of those films look very good; the downside is they also look like they may be difficult to track down on DVD with English subtitles. I will do my best, however.

    If you’re familiar with Czech films you might check out this thread

    and see if you recognize any of those titles.

  8. Sebastian Kane (see 1st reply in thread): It’s been my practice to take the first suggestion and put it in the queue if it’s appropriate, so I will put the black comedy Parents in queue. We will definitely also get to Cronenberg’s Crash sometime before we’re through, as well.

  9. Hello there.
    I believe since this is a movie list, that the Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film for Theaters should have a look at.
    It basically is what the show is: unbelievably absurd, nihilistic, low budget animation filled with stony non-sequitors
    As a long time fan of the show, I believe that it has weird potential all and all.
    Besides, doesn’t it certainly seem weird that in the first part of the movie there’s a unrealistic flashback about a milkshake, a box of fries, and a ball of meat awaking from a sphinx, then fighting a giant poodle with laser shooting out of its eyes, then meeting Abe Lincoln to resurrect Frylock, all in the first five minutes?!

  10. upgrayedd: I had to look that one up. It’s a hip-hop musical about Jamaican gangs in the UK, which sounds offbeat enough to give a try. It has not been released on Region 1 DVD, though. I’ll still put it in the queue and maybe the availability will be better by the time we get to it.

  11. i watched these last year. i didnt know such good movies were out there. i just found your site and began watching the recommendations.

    Black Devil Doll
    The Human Centipede
    Lars And The Real Girl
    Confessions of A Porn Star
    The Cake Eaters
    One Night In Chyna

  12. upgrayedd: Black Devil Doll (which is a sort of homage to 1984’s Black Devil Doll From Hell) sounds kind of interesting, so I will add it to the queue. We have already reviewed Human Centipede (not really impressed). Some of the others are possibilities, but unless there’s another One Night in Chyna we’re not aware of, we’re probably going to stay away from reviewing celebrity sex tapes!

    Eva: I already reviewed Nowhere. I gave it a very bad review, but to be honest I have been doubting myself since; it stuck with me and I’m not convinced it’s as terrible as I originally thought, though I still don’t think it’s one of the 366 chosen ones. I gave it a chance to be re-evaluated in the reader’s choice poll but it wasn’t chosen. But I should give Akari another chance or two and I will take a look at The Doom Generation (which seems weirder than Totally F***ed Up–that’s the film’s official title, by the way).

  13. Hey check out John Waters movies, I am surprised he isn’t on this list at all. Multiple Maniacs is pretty weird and crazy.
    Pink Flamingos is one of his more recognized movies.

    Also check out David Lynch movies. He has done some crazy stuff too. He directed Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me. An absolutely strange movie. Lost Highway was a mind trip. Most of his movies are weird.

  14. Chechelechrem: Pink Flamingos is also in the review queue, and I will add Multiple Maniacs, too. My colleague Alfred Eaker has put a couple of reviews of John Waters movies up, but I haven’t officially considered one for the List. I have a feeling Waters will be eventually represented.

    We’ve covered a good bit of David Lynch‘s work already, and Lost Highway is also in the review queue.

  15. I stumbled across this website today, here are my initial thoughts.

    The first thing I want to say concerns Phantasm. I like the film, and it’s undeniably weird, but it’s not even the weirdest film in the series. Phantasm II and III are not as weird as Phantasm, but Phantasm 4 takes the weirdness of an already weird series to a new level. Is the film any good? Well, you’re mileage may vary, I actually quite liked it. Still, I believe the extreme weirdness of Phantasm IV entitles it to a place on the list more than any other film I can think of right now. I think both films deserve a place on the list as it stands, but I can see that having two Phantasm films on the list might be a bit much, so if there can only be one then it is my opinion that Phantasm IV should take Phantasm’s place on the list, as it is a lot weirder than Phantasm, although I do think that Phantasm is at least as weird as some other films on the list. All of the sequels are probably as weird as some of the films on the list, but that really would be too much.

    I know you have already seen Valhalla Rising and dismissed it, but surely it is weird enough to be on the list, it’s at least as weird as Bronson and just as good, in my opinion – maybe even better. I admit that I was baffled by the film at first, I could not understand what Nicolas Winding Refn was trying to say, but I watched it again because I found it incredibly atmospheric, and I noticed a few things that I hadn’t noticed before. I’m not sure how much I should say (I’m thinking of spoilers), but I will say that I don’t think it has all that much to do with Odin specifically, or even any religious figure in particular, though I think it is in that ballpark thematically. The film can be interpretated in different ways, so it’s just my opinion, but I’m convinced I’m on the right track (though not 100% that my interpretation is entirely correct, and there are parts that I don’t understand at all), there are parts towards the end of the film that I would say make it obvious what the film is about. Please, I ask that you watch it again with a few things in mind:

    What is One-eye’s motivation throughout the film? If “he’s driven by hate, it’s how he survives”, what hate is he driven by? How does he survive?

    One-Eye never speaks, so how does he communicate with people? In what way do people interact with him?

    There’s a scene towards the end which is probably the weirdest scene in the film and involves a certain liquid. What does One-eye realise at this point? What do (at least some of) the Christians realise at this point? The viewer is virtually battered with symbolism here – what do the Christians do at this point? What has changed? What is the significance of the liquid?

    What is the significance of water in general throughout the film? (I am not 100% on every aspect of this one.)

    In the conversation on the hill between two of the Christians, what do they (blatantly) say is the reason they went on the quest in the first place?

    I know that’s not much to go on, but I think those clues will at least help you see where I’m coming from, even if you don’t agree with me. If you can see that there is something beneath the surface of Bronson, then do you not think that there could be more to Valhalla Rising than you first thought? If Bronson is about the worship and mythologising of violence, then Valhalla Rising is about worship and mythology in general.

    Some other films worth you’re consideration, roughly in order of how weird I think they are. I think these films are at least as weird as other films on the list.

    Fata Morgana – Herzog (very strange indeed)
    Heart of Glass – Herzog
    Walter – starred Ian Mckellen
    The League of Gentlemen’s Apocolypse
    Zerkalo – Tarkovsky
    The Illustrated Man – starred Rod Steiger
    Mindwarp – starred Bruce Campbell (weird, but not that good)
    2001: A Space Odyssey – I’m assuming you’ve heard about this but I couldn’t find it. Not weird enough?

  16. steve85: Wow, I am impressed at the thought you put into this. I agree that Phantasm IV deserves a shot, and I won’t hold the fact that Phantasm is already on the List against it if it’s both weird and good enough to make it on its own.

    I appreciate your comments on Valhalla Rising and I admit I may not have given the movie a completely fair shake. I am going to copy and paste your comment into the post for that movie where it might spark some discussion.

    NGboo: Vermilion Souls sounds good. I have not had a chance to check on it’s availability, though. I’ll put it in the queue and have plenty of time to search for a copy.

  17. Leos Carax’s ‘Lovers on the Bridge’. Phenomenal film. And weird as hell. I hope Takashi Miike has been mentioned here. ‘Gozu’ in particular, and possibly ‘Happiness of the Katakuris’.

  18. Mr. Trainor,

    I would love to take a look at Carax’s Lovers on the Bridge. I thought Carax’s segment in Tokyo! was by far the best, and have wanted to check out his other work.

    We’ve covered a good bit of Miike, including Gozu, but there’s a lot more of his stuff still to do.

    For those of you who don’t know, we recently featured Mr. Trainor’s short “The Outside Voice” recently, and so we can tell this dude knows from weird.

  19. burner: Thanks a lot for that, I know next to nothing about Indian cinema but I knew there must be something weird there somewhere (given the huge amount of Hindi language films released every month). I will put No Smoking in queue.

    1. “gahjini” is an indian remake of “momento” staring india’s best actor (according to this american girl and… the box office?), aamir khan. its a bit weird… its like momento, u know…

  20. Some friends just showed me a brilliant but completely insane piece of French stop-motion animation called “A Town Called Panic” that starts innocently enough when Cowboy and Indian accidentally order 50 million bricks for Horse’s birthday. This soon leads to underwater Santa, a penguin tank piloted by Herculean professors, a card game while hurtling into the center of the Earth, and so on. It was released in 2009, and was directed by Vincent Patar and Stephane Aubier.

    There’s a tv series of twenty five-minute pieces, and also a feature length film of the whole thing as well.

  21. Algus: Here’s our review of A Town Called Panic. We haven’t certified it as one of the 366 Weirdest yet, but we haven’t ruled it out, either. It’s definitely something our readers should check out!

    skunky: I’m not familiar with any of those. Just going by the IMDB descriptions, the one that looks like it might have the most weird value is Tim Roth’s The War Zone. I’ll put that in the queue.

  22. Jenn’s latest suggestions are a bit out of order, so I’ll reprint them and respond here:

    ‘Alice’ by Jan Svankmajer is really weird and great. its much better than the burton alice in wonderland. it mixed live action with stop-motion/pixilation of a little girl, toys and bones.

    ‘gahjini’ is an indian remake of ‘momento’ staring india’s best actor (according to this american girl and… the box office?), aamir khan. its a bit weird… its like momento, u know…

    jenn, you’re either psychic or have read our weekly “What’s in the Pipeline” column… a (re)review of Alice is coming up this week.

    Now, a Hindi remake of Memento sounds like something to check out, so I’ll add Gahjini to the queue. I will be terribly disappointed if there isn’t a song and dance number, though…

    1. there’s a bit of singing and dancing to be sure. and to appreciate aamir’s transformation you shoudl at least check out the trailer for the following movie he made “3 idiots.” he is around 45 years old i think and he bulked up a LOT for gahjini and lost it all for 3 idiots to play a college kid. best of luck… its not totally weird, but a bit weird.
      yeah, sorry about alice, much like my posts, its hard to track down all of the movies u are reviewing 😛
      i just found this site, very cool!

  23. Hello there.
    I was wanting to suggest Natural Born Killers to the queue, if it wasn’t already suggested.
    I think this controversial movie has some weird marks definitely in it, considering for one the extreme, hyper stylized pop-art editing, constantly shifting it in a deliriously absurd feeling with its schizophrenic constant change in style.
    Also, although I will admit it is not a perfect movie, it is still pretty damn good to an extent. There is some really good performances to this movie(Rodney Dangerfield in a strangely cynically humored role, casting off some awkwardly digested giggles), a rather great soundtrack, and a very interesting plot concept, in my opinion, theme wise.
    But, it is also uneven given due to other performances, and other things not sewing it together in a coherently satisfying film, which makes its execution questionable.
    Still, I think it has reason to be looked at.

  24. Ghajini apparently a remake of Momento is a crime to be listed here. It will be a disgrace to call this movie wierd. It’s a straightforward action movie with momento amnesia concept thrown in thats about it….

    1. i’m sorry, its just the weirdest hindi movie i know… and… i did mention that its not that wierd (in my defense).

  25. The Secrets Adventures of Tom Thumb
    Tetsuo: The Iron Man

    Both of these movies employ extensive use of stop motion animation with live human actors to create a jerky unsettling quality. Tetsuo is probably the more non-sensical and weirdest of the two (noticed it in your queue, can’t wait for the review), but the Secret Adventures of Tom Thumb is about a miniature sized fetus in orange overalls (how can that NOT be weird?).

  26. burner & Jenn: We’ll go ahead and check out Ghajini and decide for ourselves. I’ve always wanted to sample some Bollywood but genre’s reputation for formulaic melodrama has put me off. This one at least sounds different.

    TMB: As you pointed out Tetsuo‘s already in the review queue, but The Secret Adventures of Tom Thumb is an excellent suggestion, and I’ll add it.

  27. wait a second… where’s Matthew Barney’s Cremaster Cycle? i mean… you can’t exactly just rent the whole cycle from netflix… i think they only offer a segment. however… there are other ways… and since it is basically the sistine chapel of post-modernism i think it deserves “any means necessary”, lol.

    1. Jenn: missed your comment before. My position on “Cremaster” right now is “let’s wait and see.” For whatever reason, Matthew Barney doesn’t want the films released on DVD. I’m hoping he’ll relent and issue them someday. If he doesn’t, well, I’ll save a slot to review it anyway.

  28. The weirdest thing I’ve seen recently was “One Eyed Monster,” an R rated Ron Jeremy film.

    The stuff that makes it weird include unseen aliens, a runaway male body part that kills people, the techie’s solution to the critter, & the overacting. Truly a weirdly funny film.

    Go Zhu was another odd thing. It’a a Japanese flick, with a lot of surrealistic scenes that might mean something to a native Japanese person, but to me, it was all over the place. Still, I couldn’t stop watching it. (Go Zhu translates as “Cow Head,” a buddhist demon of some sort, I think)

    Is the original “Toxic Avenger” listed? I didn’t look for that one, either…

    Also worthy of mention, imho: Stardust (just seeing De Niro as a crossdressing pirate makes this a must-see weird one); Kamikaze Taxi; & Monkeybone.

  29. I recently saw one that was fairly weird that you might want to consider for the list. The Fountain – 2006 Directed by Darren Aronofsky and starring Hugh Jackman. Its about a guy (looking a lot like Kwai Chang Caine) who is floating through space in a bubble, with a tree, thinking back on his life as a Conquistador and pharmaceutical researcher.

  30. Sorry for the delay. I’ve written a crazy fanboy rant on Valhalla Rising’s page. It is maybe a little insane and rambling, but that’s my style. Deal with it. 🙂

  31. Wow, I’ve liked this resource for a while. Looked more carefully at the actual list, a surprising number of which I’ve seen. No wonder I was in college so long. The 366 films seem to portray a lot of nightmare of the soul stuff. Artists and auteurs trying to film the unfilmable. Altered perception, mis-firing synapses, or true presented horror – the brain/eyes trying to impose sense on the whole thing. Is that sort of what you’re looking for? Many of the 366 candidates are I fear merely odd.

  32. “The 366 films seem to portray a lot of nightmare of the soul stuff.” True enough, though not universal. There are some lighter films on the List, though they are less common. I think that “weird” and “dark,” “nightmarish” tend to go together. “Weird” can be funny/absurd, but I think when we try to think of something “truly weird” we usually bring to mind something disconcerting, something that gives us a little chill up our spine.

    The second part of your post is also very true. Weird filmmakers take chances, and they have more hits than misses. But experimental failures are often more interesting than formulaic successes.

  33. Save The Green Planet dir. Jang Joon-hwan
    Sympathy for Mr.Vengeance dir. Park Chan-wook
    Sukiyaki Western Django dir. Takashi Miike
    The Fall dir. Tarsem

  34. Hey there! I wanted to stop by and say thanks for the review of “Six-String Samurai” that I suggested a long time ago. I have another suggestion, though I know it will be awhile before you get around to it. You might take a look at “Crimewave”, directed by Sam Raimi and written by the Coen Brothers – it’s one that I remember seeing as a kid on HBO, and it actually scared me. Well, those two exterminators with the electrical extermination machine gave me nightmares, anyway. Not a great movie by any means, but it has a very weird feel, and it seems like it should have been a lot better, given the people involved in its creation.

  35. Mike Watkins: Good suggestions. I thought Save the Green Planet was already in queue, but I see it’s not. I’ll add it.

    Gray West: Six-String Samurai is fun, it may still get a second look and make the list. Crimewave is something I’ve always wanted to see, so I’m glad you suggested it, and I’ll add it too.

    duncepatrol:‘s first definition of weird is “involving or suggesting the supernatural; unearthly or uncanny”; the second definition is “fantastic; bizarre”; and the third (archaic) is “concerned with or controlling fate or destiny.” Our definition is sort of a blend of all three, but the second, currently the most ordinary usage, is the most important one.

  36. Snussy (see response to top post): I hadn’t heard of Wool 100% (2006) before, but it looks like something we must cover. The box cover proudly advertises it as “one of the strangest Japanese movies of the year”; most years, that’s really saying something! I will add it to the queue.

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Celebrating the cinematically surreal, bizarre, cult, oddball, fantastique, strange, psychedelic, and the just plain WEIRD!