In just a few hours, the telecast of the Oscars (or, as we refer to them, the “Weirdcademy Awards for squares”) will begin. We are happy to steal the Academy’s Thunder by announcing cinema’s weirdest winners of 2015 now.
In the category of “Weirdest Short Film,” the winner is Daniel Moshel‘s impossibly complicated street performance “Metube 2: August Sings Carmina Burnana”:
(Note: this was the only race where ballot-stuffing was involved, as “Metube” beat out Adult Swim-backed favorite “This House Has People in It” by an unlikely vote of 162-43. Of course, ballot-stuffing is perfectly legal in the Weirdcademy Awards voting. If Adult Swim wants an award next year, they can send their fans the voting link!)
In the category of “Weirdest Scene,” the Weirdcademy Award goes to Swiss Army Man for the scene where Paul Dano escapes a deserted island by using Daniel Radcliffe‘s flatulent corpse as a jet ski.
(Naturally, this clip contains scatological humor).
In the category of “Weirdest Actress,” the Award goes to the dark house, Samantha Robinson, as the titular Love Witch, seen in this salacious clip preparing one of her erotic spells (although we do not see her collecting some of her more unusual ingredients)…
(Understandably, this clip contains adult situations).
In the category of “Weirdest Actor,” the Award goes to Daniel Radcliffe, as a dead dude who can do much more than just pass gas.
And capturing almost 40% of the total vote in the ten movie field, the award for Weirdest Movie of 2015 goes to The Lobster, Giorgos Lanthimos‘ absurdist parable about a future dystopia where single people are housed in a hotel and given thirty days to find a suitable mate, or be turned into an animal of their choice.
Thanks to all members of the Weirdcademy, and see you again next year!