366 Weird Movies 2009 Yearbook

We’re proud to announce the (long-delayed) release of a “print version” of 366 Weird Movies, the “366 Weird Movies 2009 Yearbook“!

The “Yearbook” is a trade paperback that brings together all our coverage of 2009 weird movies in one convenient place, including 22 theatrical release reviews, 13 DVD release reviews, and over 100 supplemental listings.  All in a tidy 54 pages, and all for the low, low (?) price of $6.45!

Now, we know our readers, and we realize that you’re a perceptive bunch who are collectively thinking one thing right now:

Why would I want to buy a copy of the Yearbook when I can read the damn website for free?

We’ve got five good (well, good-ish) responses to that very perceptive question:

  1. Unlike the digital version, you can take the paper “Yearbook” into the “can” with you.
  2. If you unexpectedly run out of toilet paper in said “can,” the “Yearbook “can do double duty.
  3. This site may not always be here in the current form. (That’s not a warning, it’s a scare tactic).
  4. As our first Yearbook, it’s destined to within the realm of possibility that it will become a collectible worth thousands/hundreds/a few cents over what you paid for it in five years.
  5. Each copy sold will contribute a dollar or two towards paying our hosting/domain registration bills.

In all seriousness, we hope that some of you will enjoy the opportunity to have something 366-related that you can hold in your hands.  We hope to continue this tradition in future years, while bringing you more and more coverage of the weird movie world!

Click here to purchase a copy of the Yearbook.

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