Category Archives: 366 Distribution


366 Distribution’s second project, “The Best of Damon Zex,” is now available for purchase at CreateSpace. It will also appear on Amazon in the following days.

Damon was a polarizing figure in public access television in the 1990s. His show assaulted the suburbs with frank sexuality, vulgarity, occultism and blasphemy; but more importantly, it challenged viewers with its high quotient of surrealism, artistry, experimental hypnotic video techniques, and satire.

The press release describes the contents thusly:

DVD 1 contains:

1. “The Diabolical Damon Zex.” 60 min. Watching this hour-long compilation is like flipping through the TV channels at 3 AM and discovering every station has been taken over by Zex. Includes the controversial and shocking tampon scenes from “Damon’s Bloodfeast.” First time on DVD.

2. “A Day in the Life of Damon Zex.” 30 min. Damon’s day begins with wine in his cereal, and gets weirder from there. First time on DVD.


30 min. Zex’s timeless, post-public access expressionistic chess game shows a more mature artist focused on aesthetics, without sacrificing his sadomasochistic edge. This film, which has never seen before in its entirety outside of private screenings, is a must-have for Zex fans.

For more information on Damon Zex, read Alfred’s article Damon Zex: Intellectual Provocateur and Damon Zex’s Checkmate.

We’re thrilled for the opportunity to help bring Damon’s work to a wider audience.


Buy "W the Movie" from 366 Weird Movies!

366 scribe Alfred Eaker‘s W the Movie is now available for digital rental on Amazon.  For only $2.99, you can watch the movie as many times as you want for one week.  The movie can be watched on your computer monitor or your television screen, if you have an internet-equipped device like a Tivo-DVR, certain Blu-ray players or TV models.

Amazon allows a 2:30 free preview of the movie; unfortunately, in this case this doesn’t get you very far past the credits.  Here’s the full trailer for the film to give you a better flavor of this surrealist satire on the presidency of George W. Bush:

To preview or order, click here or on the video cover above.  (Yes, we will earn a few pennies if you rent it).  You can also check out this and other titles in the online rental section of our website.  We hope you’ll enjoy the movie!