Once again, there is zero overlap between the Weirdcademy Awards and the Most Conventional Movie Awards dog and pony show hosted by Hollywood. Was the stop-motion Nazi cult nightmare The Wolf House (2018) nominated for either Best Animated Film and Best International Film? Of course not, too scary for Oscar. We can understand (if not forgive) the Jesus Shows You the Way to the Highway snub, because no one in the Academy owns a DVD player anymore; but they all have Netflix, so how can they not have even one nod to I’m Thinking of Ending Things? Supporting Actress? Adapted Screenplay? Freaking Costume Design? No? Is this thing on?

Instead, we get to choose between historical recreations, suburban dramas, and a token thriller, all while waiting for Frances McDormand to swoop by in the van she’s been living out of to pick up her statuette(s). (We’ll give the Academy a pass on the dementia drama The Father, though, because we haven’t seen it yet).

Yes, the Oscars are a joke, and everyone knows it. But you, my friend, you aren’t content with the same-old same-old. You want weird in your movies. The Weirdcademy Awards are for you, the moviegoer whose friends roll their eyes and sigh loudly when you suggest movie night should feature that French film about the guy whose really cool looking leather jacket talks him into a killing spree.

Although the editors of 366 Weird Movies select the nominees from the pool of available movies, the Awards themselves are a naked popularity contest, and do not necessarily reflect either the artistic merit or intrinsic weirdness of the films involved. The Weirdcademy Awards are tongue-in-cheek and for fun only. Ballot-stuffing is a frequent occurrence. Please, no wagering.

The Weirdcademy Awards are given to the Weirdest Movie, Actor, Actress and Scene of the previous year, as voted by the members of the Weirdcademy of Motion Picture Arts and Weirdness.

Who makes up the Weirdcademy? Membership is open to all readers of 366 Weird Movies. If you can figure out how to vote in the poll, you are smart enough to join. You can not be turned down because of your age, sex, religious affiliation, pronouns, or number of appendages. There is no requirement that you’ve have to actually see any of the movies listed before voting. You can vote for any or all categories.

Vote as many times as you like, but only once per day, please. We’ll keep voting open until April 25 at 12:00 Noon EST, so we can announce our results before the Academy Awards and steal their thunder.

Be sure to also vote for Weirdest Short Film of the Year. To watch all five nominees and to cast your vote, please click here.

Without further delay, we unveil the nominees for the 2020 Weirdcademy Awards after the break:

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