Please do not ask “what was that movie?” questions on this page. We set up an entire site here to answer those questions. This page is for suggesting movies to be reviewed.
Know a weird movie? Something strange that glued you to the screen with awe, amazement or reverence, while your more mundane minded friends left the room (or theater) in boredom, confusion or disgust? A movie whose omission from a list of the 366 weirdest movies of all time would offend you on a personal level? Something even I haven’t heard of or considered? There are potentially thousands of forgotten films, critically dismissed films, foreign or independent films that never got a proper release, or misplaced oddities hiding out there that may deserve a place at the table. One man can’t be expected to track them all down. Here is the place to mention those treasured curios that no one else seems to have even heard of. Nominate a movie in the suggestion box and I’ll move it up on my review queue, or at the very least, explain why I’m not going to review it.
NOTICE: The “Suggest of Weird Movie!” feature has become a victim of its own success. At the time of this update, we have about 250 reader suggestions (!) in queue. (More than that since I last updated the page)! Since we can only do 1 or maybe 2 reviews a week, be aware there may be a huge delay—currently, possibly over a year!—between the time you make a suggestion and the point at which it’s actually reviewed. I considered shutting down the suggestion box as of 2011, but I decided to let you keep your suggestions coming (if nothing else, it tells us what types of movies readers are interested in seeing reviews of). Just be aware that when you make a suggestion, it may not receive the promptest of attention. The best you can really hope for at this point is to bring something to our attention that we might have overlooked. (Also note that although we prioritize the earliest nominations later suggestions may get reviewed before earlier ones if they receive a re-release on DVD or Blu-ray, or interest us for our own inscrutable reasons).
If you can’t wait for one of our staff to review your movie, why not review it yourself and submit it to us via the contact form? We can’t swear we’ll publish every submission we receive, but we want reader participation and we are fairly liberal.
All serious suggestions will receive a response, as well as all most non-serious ones.
Here’s the review queue of reader suggestions that have yet to be reviewed, in alphabetical order. Of course, at this point the list is so long that it is likely we will have to leave the task of reviewing the items at the end of the list to our children, but whatever.
Also, the List is now completed, meaning that these suggestions will be considered for our supplemental “Apocrypha” list, and many will sadly never be reviewed or considered. You may consider them all as reader-suggested honorable mentions.
*Corpus Callosum (2002); 1Day; The 4th Man; 8 1/2 Women; 9 Doigts [9 Fingers]; The 10th Victim; Aaaaah!; Aachi & Ssipak; Adam’s Apples; The Adolescence of Utena; The Adventures of Picasso; “Afraid So” from “The Films of Jay Rosenblatt, Vol. 2″; The Aimed School; Alabama’s Ghost; “Alicia” (1994); Alien Alibi; Allegro; Aloys; Alucarda; “Am I Normal? A Film About Male Puberty”; Amanece, que no es poco; “Analog”; Anatomy of Hell; And the Ship Sails On; Andy Warhol’s Bad; L’Ange; Angel in the Flesh: The Confidential Report on Mr. Dennis Duggan AKA The King of Super 8 (if it’s ever released); Anna and the Wolves; The Annunciation; Apartment Zero; The Appointment (1981); Arrebato; Artemis 81; Ascension; As Filhas do Fogo; The Assignment: The Witches Talisman; Avalon (2001); Avida; Bad Lieutenant; The Ballad of Buster Scruggs; Beg! (1994); The Beguiled; Bernie (1996) (depending on availability); Bhoner; Bibliotheque Pascal; Big Meat Eater; Big Time; Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey; Birdy; Black Mama; Blood Beat; Blood, Bullets, Buffoons; Blood-Spattered Bride; “Bobby Yeah”; Body Troopers; Bone; Book of Revelation (2006); Born of Fire; BoXed; Boxing Helena; Bread and Circus; Brothers of the Head; Bruce Lee vs. Gay Power; Bubble Bath; Buddy Boy (1999); La Cabina [AKA The Telephone Box]; The Cabinet of Caligari (1962); Calimari Union; Calamari Wrestler; The Calistra Zipper Story; “The Canadian Films of Paul Driessen”; Can Dialectics Break Bricks?; Can Heironymus Merkin Ever Forget Mercy Humppe and Find True Happiness?; Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death; The Cannibals (1988); Carnival Magic; Casshern; Cast a Deadly Spell; The Cat in the Hat; Catnapped!; Cat Sick Blues; Celestial Wives of Meadow Mari; The Cement Garden; Chappaqua; Charly: Dias de Sangre; Cheap Smokes; Che strano chiamarsi Federico [How Strange to Be Named Federico]; Christ the Movie; La cicatrice intérieure; Citizen Dog; City of Pirates; The Color out of Space (2010); Combat Shock; Coming Apart; “The Committee” (1968); The Complaint of an Empress; Confessions; Cool Cat Saves the Kids; Cool World; Cosmos; Crank: High Voltage; Creating Rem Lezar; Creatures of Destiny; Creep (2014); Criminal Lovers; Cuadecuc, Vampir; Dance With The Devil; Dancer in the Dark; Dandy Dust; Dante 01; Dante’s Inferno (2007); Darkside Blues; The Dark Side of the Heart; Darktown Strutters; Daymaker; Day of the Wacko; Dead Billy; Deafula; Death Powder (1986); Decoder; Deep Dark; Detention; The Devil’s Chair; Devil’s Rain; Diamond Flash; Die Fighting; Disco Godfather; La Distancia; A Dog Called Pain; The Dog’s Night Song; Dolls (2002); “Dream Corp LLC”; Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath; Dreams That Money Can Buy; The Drifting Classroom; Dr. Otto and the Riddle of the Gloom Beam; Drunken Wu Tang [AKA Taoism Drunkard]; Dumplings; The Earl Sessions; Earth Minus Zero; Edward II; Eika Katappa; Einstein’s Brain [AKA Relics: Einstein’s Brain]; Elecktrick Children; Electric Dreams; The Element of Crime; Emperor Tomato Ketchup; Encounters at the End of the World; Endgame (2000); The End of August at the Hotel Ozone; End of the Road; Entr’Acte (1924); Essex Spacebin; The Eternity Man; Even Hitler Had a Girlfriend; Excision; Existo: The Forbidden Movie; “Factory Witch”; Fateful Findings; Fatty Drives the Bus; Faust: Love of the Damned; Fear and Desire; Fear X; Felix the Cat: The Movie; Fiend (1980); Fiend Without a Face; The Fifth Season; Finisterrae; Fire in the Sky; First on the Moon; Fish Story; Flaming Creatures; Flaming Nipples; Flesh of the Void; Flexing with Monty; “The Flood”; Flying Saucers Over Istanbul; “Flowers and Bottoms”; Following; The Fool and the Flying Ship; Four Rooms; Fractured AKA Schism (2013);Frankenhooker; Frankenstein Meets the Space Monster; Freddy Got Fingered; Freeway; Frequencies [AKA XVO: The Manual]; From Morn to Midnight; Frontier; The Fruit of Paradise; Funny Bones; Future War; Galaxy Express 999; Galaxy of Terror; Galaxy Turnpike ; Gandu; The Gateway [Brama] (2017) (depending on availability); George Washington; Gerry; “Ghosts Before Breakfast”; The Giant Claw; The Glamorous Life of Sachiko Hanai; Glory to the Filmmaker!; “God Hates Cartoons”; Golem (1980) (depending on availability); Goodbye 20th Century; Gorod Zero; Gory Gory Hallelujah; Gothic & Lolita Psycho; Goto: Island of Love; The Great McGonagall; The Green Elephant (1999); Grimm Love; Gwen le Livre de Sable; Gymkata; Gyo: Tokyo Fish Attack; Haggard; Hail the New Puritan; Hair Extensions; Hallelujah Hills; Hands of God (2005, d. Alyson Levy); Hanger; “Hansel and Gretel” (T. Burton, 1983); Hanzo the Razor; Happy End (Czech, depending on availability); Hardgore; “Harpya”; Heat; Heaven and Earth Magic; Helen Keller vs. Nightwolves; Helter Skelter (2012); “Hen, His Wife” [AKA “His Wife is a Hen”]; Hentai Kamen; The Hole; Homebodies (1974); Homicide Evidence 3; Homoti; Horrors of Malformed Men; “Hospital Brut”; Hotel (2001); Hotel (2004); House (1986); The Housemaid (1960); ‘Hukkunud Alpinisti’ hotell [Dead Mountaineers Hotel]; Human Animals Human Nature;Hysteria; I Be Area; I Bought a Vampire Motorcycle; The Idiots; I Married a Strange Person; I’m Not There; Impolex; Imprint; “Inauguration Of The Pleasure Dome,” I Never Left the White Room; The Infernal Comedy: Confessions of a Serial Killer; L’Inferno; Inflatable Sex Doll of the Wastelands; In Search of the Titanic; In the Realm of the Senses; The Intruder (2004) [L’intrus]; Irreversible; I Saw the Devil; It Couldn’t Happen Here ; The Item (1999); I Think We’re Alone Now (2008); Izo; Jack and the Beanstalk (1974, Japan); Jacky in the Kingdom of Women; Jawbreaker; Jigoku (1960); Jigoku no Banken: Akai Megane [The Red Spectacles]; Johnny Aquarius; A Journey Into Bliss; Journey Through the Past; Journey to the West [Xi you]; Jubilee; Juliet of the Spirits; Junkie; Kafka; Kamikazie ‘89; Kamikaze Girls; Kárate a muerte en Torremolinos (depending on availability); The Keep; Killer Condom; The Killing Room; Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors; King Lear (1987, Godard); Kitchen Stories; Knightriders; Krysar (AKA The Pied Piper of Hamelin); Kultur Shock!; Kung Fu from Beyond the Grave; Kung Fury (2015); Kung Pow; Kuso; La Belle Verte; Lakki… The Boy Who Could Fly (AKA Lakki… The Boy Who Grew Wings); Last Battle; The Last Days of Planet Earth; Last House on Dead End Street; The Last of Us; The Last Wave; The Last Winter; The Lathe of Heaven; The Legend of 1900; The Legend of Kaspar Hauser (2012); LFO; The Lickerish Quartet; The Lightest Darkness; Litan; Little Murders; Little Red Riding Hood and the Monsters; Live Freaky! Die Freaky!; The Living and the Dead; Lo; The Loved One; Love, Honor and Obey; Love Torn In A Dream; Lowlife (2012); Lucia (2013); Machotaildrop; Madam Satan; Magdalena Viraga; The Magic Toyshop; The Magus; Makkhi; Malatesta’s Carnival of Blood; Ma-Ma; Man Facing Southeast; The Manipulator; The Man Who Haunted Himself; The Man Who Wasn’t There; Marebito; Margret’s Museum; Marketa Lazarova; Marutirtha Hinglaj; Matador; “Max Headroom” (TV); Max My Love; Mazeppa; Mécanix; Melancholie der Engel; Memento Mori; Memoirs of a Survivor; Mercy (2006); Mermaid in a Manhole; Messiah of Evil; Le Météore; Mickey One; The Midnight After; Midnight Ballad for Ghost Theater; Midori; Midsummer Night’s Dream (1935); Moebius (1996); Mom (1986); “Mona Lisa Descending a Staircase”; Monday (depending on availability); Mondo Candido; Mondo Trasho; The Monitors; Monobloc; “The Monster of Nix”; “Mood House”; Morbo; Motel Hell; Motorama; “Mouse Soup”; Mr. Blot’s Academy; Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium; The Musick; Mutant Aliens; My 20th Century; My Brother Has Bad Dreams; Myra Breckenridge; The Mysterians; The Mysterious Castle in the Carpathians; Mystery Men; Napoleon Dynamite; Neighbors; Neji-shiki [AKA Screwed]; Never Belongs to Me; Newsboys: Down Under the Big Top; Nick the Feature Film; The Nine Lives of Thomas Katz; Nitwit; The Northerners; Oh Dad, Poor Dad (Momma’s Hung You In the Closet & I’m Feeling So Sad); Om Dar-B-Dar; “One Soldier”; Onirica: Field of Dogs; Only God Forgives; Onward to Calgary; Operation: Endgame; Organ; Orlando; Le Orme [AKA Footprints on the Moon]; The Other Side of the Wind; The Outskirts; Overturn; Palindromes (re-review); Passages from Finnegans Wake; Pastoral Hide and Seek; “Penda’s Fen”; Penitentiary III ; Perfect Lives; Perfect Sense (2011); Period Piece; Phase IV; Pig; Pink Narcissus; Pistol Opera; The Point; Pola X; Post Tenebras Lux; Poultrygeist; Prayer of the Rollerboys; “Premium” (if it can be found); The President’s Analyst; Príncipe Azul; “Prometheus’ Garden”; Quicksilver Highway; The Quiet Earth; A Quiet Place in the Country; “Rabbits”; La Razon de Mi Vida; Reckless; Recollections of the Yellow House; “Red, White and Zero”; Remainder; Repentance; Riki-Oh: The Story of Riki; The Ring Finger; River of Fundament; Roar; Rock-a-Doodle; Rock and Roll Frankenstein; Rocks in My Pocket; Roller Blade; Roots of Evil (1979); Rows; Saint Bernard (2013); Sauna; The Sea That Thinks; Secret Ceremony; Secrets of Sex (1970); Shakespeare’s Plan 12 from Outer Space; Shakes the Clown; Shackled; Shinbone Alley; Shock! Shock! Shock!; The Shutka Book of Records; Siesta; Silver Heads; Sir Henry at Rawlinson End; Sisters; The Slit [AKA United Trash]; “Slow Bob in the Lower Dimensions”; Snow White and Russian Red; Sombre; Something Weird; Sonatine; Space Is the Place (official re-review); Space Thang; A Spell to Ward off the Darkness; Spermicide; Spermula; Sphere; The Spirit; Spirits of the Dead; Spork; “Star Maidens” (TV show); Star Time; Static; Straight on Till Morning;Strange Circus; Strangers in Paradise; Student Bodies; Subway (1985); Suddenly Last Summer; Suicide Club (re-review); Super Deluxe (2019); Surviving Life: Theory and Practice; Svidd neger (depending on availability); Symbiopsychotaxiplasm; Takeshis’; Taking Tiger Mountain; Tales of Hoffman; Talking Head; Talk to Her; TAMALA2010: A Punk Cat in Space; Tasher Desh; Teknolust; Terror 2000; La Teta y La Luna; That Day; That Deadwood Feeling; Themroc; Theodore Rex; They Came Back; The Thingy: Confessions of a Teenage Placenta; Three… Extremes; Thriller: A Cruel Picture; Throw Away Your Books Rally in the Streets; Ticket of No Return; Tierra; Time Masters; Tin Can Man; Tokyo Decadence; Tomorrow Night; Totò che visse due volte; Tough Guys Don’t Dance; Tout Va Bien; Toys; The Tracey Fragments; Track 29; “Trapped in the Closet”; The Treasure Planet (1982); “Triangulo”; Tribulation 99; The Tune; Turbo Kid; “Turkish Star Wars” [Dunyayi Kurtaran Adam]; Turn in Your Grave; The Twonky; Uncle Meat; Underwater Love; Urusei Yatsura 4: Lum the Forever (1986); U-Turn; The Vagrant (1992); Vakvagany; Vase de Noces; Vegas in Space; Velvet Goldmine; Vermillion Souls; Vertige; Vigasiosexploitation; Village of the Damned (1960); Violated Angels; The Virgin Psychics; Visions of Suffering; Visitor of a Museum [Posetitel muzeya]; ¡Vivan las antípodas!; Vom Graben; Wake in Fright; Walker; Water & Power (1989); Wave Twisters; We Are the Strange; Welcome Home Brother Charles; Welcome to the Dollhouse; Welcome to Woop Woop; Whatever Happened to Vileness Fats; Where the Dead Go to Die; White Tiger; Who Can Kill a Child?; Wild Tigers I Have Known; Wise Blood; The Witches; Without Warning; The Woman Chaser; The Woman in the Fifth; A Woman’s Face (1940); Womb; The World’s Greatest Sinner; The Wretches Are Still Singing; A Writer of Ghost Stories; Yaji and Kita: The Midnight Pilgrims; Yes Sir! Madame; You Never Can Tell (1951); Youth Without Youth.
What about Parents? It was an off beat, blackly funny film about kids with parents who were cannibals? Malcolm, an Aussie film about a lonely childlike inventor who helps stage a robbery with an amazing car that splits, and The Cars that Ate Paris, a 70s film. The Cell with Jennifer Lopez was pretty weird as well. Oh and Demon Seed with Julie Christie.
It’s hard to find one we haven’t already considered.
The Cars That Ate Paris
The Cell
But I can add Malcolm (1986) to the long queue.
I’d like to suggest “Electroma,” the film by the two robots known as Daft Punk.
In some post-apocalyptic future, humans have been rendered obsolete, leaving a world inhabited by two slightly different models of robots. One particular pair of them—our heroes and protagonists—cruise into a remote desert town to the tune of “In Dark Trees” by Brian Eno, intent on undergoing an experimental procedure meant to radically alter their cyborg features—in short, to render them superficially human. The project ultimately fails as their apparatus disintegrate in the oppressive desert sunlight, leaving our heroes to dejectedly, aimlessly wander amidst barren sand dunes in the throes of existential crisis.
Of course, “Electroma” doesn’t occupy the same level as films like “The Holy Mountain” or “Eraserhead” or “Enter the Void” or “The Exterminating Angel.” However, it is beautifully photographed, surprisingly engaging on an emotional level—especially given that it is entirely free of dialogue and contains only a few choice musical accents—AND!…it’s really damn weird. I’m actually surprised it has hardly been mentioned at all on this venerable site. Hopefully you deem it worthy of attention—and if you don’t feel so moved to action as I hope, I’d be delighted to write a review myself! Thanks!
Pastoral: To Die in the Country(1974)- a Japanese surrealist fantastical drama film written and directed by Shuji Terayama, an avant garde writer, artist, director, poet, and photographer who championed Japanese new wave cinema. Director Robert Nishimura described it as “so unique and spellbinding that it transcends all classification”. It’s visually breathtaking, outlandishly bizarre and has somehow escaped the recognition it deserves.
It’s already in the queue under its alternate title, Pastoral Hide and Seek.
I agree, it’s one of my favorites. Also known as “Pastoral; Hide and Seek,” in English.
Anderson’s Dispatch was more eccentric than weird so I’ll say Pablo Larrain’s recent “Spencer.”
I wasn’t thinking about reviewing the Princess Diana biopic, but I do need to see it for awards season. I’ll decide whether it’s worthy of a review after I see it.
After having watched “Spencer,” I’m going to decline to review it here. A quality movie, for sure, and one that I can see being nominated for multiple Oscars, but not one I would consider very weird–at least, there are much weirder candidates still awaiting review.
Practically every weird movie I’ve seen is mentioned here, or is already on the list, with a few exceptions which I recommend:
Wilder Napalm (1993), a rom-com involving a horny arsonist in a love triangle with two brothers who possess the power of pyrokinesis. Includes some great scenes with a barbershop quartet of firefighters who sing songs about fire. Currently on Amazon Prime.
Eleven P.M. (1928), available on the Criterion Channel where it is described as a ‘surreal melodrama’ with ‘one of the most bizarre endings in film history.’ The synopsis goes on to spoil that ending so don’t read the whole description before you watch it.
Le Brasier Ardent (The Burning Crucible, 1923), available on Kanopy, I think, but you can also find versions on Youtube. A man accidentally visits a surreal and mysterious detective agency and hires them to investigate his wife. Has a similar vibe to L’Inhumaine, but more noir than sci-fi.
And I’ll second Von Morgens bis Mitternachts (From Morn to Midnight, 1920), if you think of it as a heist movie gone weird, I think it fits the bill.
OK, I will add Wilder Napalm to the queue next update. Thanks for that list!
It’s very trouble-free to find ouut any topic on weeb as compared tto textbooks, as
I found this paragraph at this web page. [spam link removed]
MIIIIM (above),
It seems like Electroma has been mentioned before, but I don’t see it in queue. I’ll put it in queue but given the enormous length if you really want to see it on the site you should take your own advice and write it up yourself (in our format) and submit it through the contact form.
Suggested on another thread: Brothers of the Head (2006).
The Illusionist (1983)
Moebius (2013) (Kim Ki-duk)
I am going to put The Illusionist (1983) in queue. The description sounds good. I don’t take back-to-back suggestions from a single person so come back later if you want me to put the 2013 Moebius in queue too.
Dogra Magra (Japanese film) Enjoy
Sounds good, we’ll put it in queue.
One I’m slightly surprised not to see here: Accion Mutante (Alex de la Iglesia, 1993). In a 2000AD/Gilliam-esque pulp space opera setting, a gang of disfigured/disabled underclass terrorists seek to destroy beauty and athleticism. Sadly IMO it doesn’t quite live up to its premise, as it degenerates into an all-over-the-place heist plot, but I think it’s pretty weird.
I agree with you Stacey, it is odd that we haven’t gotten around to Accion Mutante in all these years. I’ll add it to the queue next update.
My nominees for the Apocrypha List:
Beyond The Valley Of the Dolls (1970)
Kill Bill Vol 1&2 (2002)
Trainspotting (1996)
Ex Drummer (2008)
Dandy Dust (1998)
My Neighbor Wants Me Dead (2019)
Tokyo Fist (1995)
Confessions Of A Dangerous Mind (2002)
Most of those are already reviewed in some form here. I’ll leave it to you to either use the search function or find them on this page ( Dandy Dust is in the queue above. The only one you mention not already reviewed or in the queue is Trainspotting, which has been suggested before but which I’ve always passed on. I don’t think it’s particularly weird (minus a single scene) but I will add it to the queue, though, since people keep asking about it.
Requiem For A Dream I’d like to nominate as well
I find Requiem for a Dream similar to Trainspotting: a conventional movie decorated with one or two stylistically weird sequences. The director is already represented on our List with his weirder offerings.
Li Hongqi’s absurdist indie flick ‘Winter Vacation’, set within Inner Mongolia. Deadpan dialogue. A child on a quest to become an orphan. Bored teenagers sat on a sofa, outside, gossiping, as it snows. An abstract meditation on bullying. The worst vegtable market in the world, where the traders are ripped off by the customers etc… It is nice little strange comedy movie set in an area of China where Russian Soviet style architecture was tested out.
From 2010
Jonny, I suppose we can give Winter Vacation a shot.
It is very arty, at times very slow paced, but it is punctuated by moments of absurdity. There’s gentle satire too, which the director wouldn’t get away with nowadays!
A 1968 British short I mentioned before, but did not provide a link. It may contain the very first on-screen fictional pre-“Soldier Blue” depiction of a decapitation. (Non-bloody.) That is not the weird part, however.
The Committee (1968) – IMDb › title
The Committee: Directed by Peter Sykes. With Paul Jones, Tom Kempinski, Robert Langdon Lloyd, Pauline Munro. Experimental 1968 British satire with an …
Rating: 6.2/10 · 203 votes
Delta Space Mission, the 1984 Romanian animated oddity. I am recommending this especially since it has finally received a modern release for the first time. Also, it’s such an amazing animated feature and would work perfect among some of the other movies already featured on this site. I also wanted to mention these two animated features by Ujicha:
Violence Voyager
Burning Buddha Man
also recently released as well and still available.
Will, you’ll be glad to know we’ve got Delta Space Mission bookmarked for it’s Mar. 29 Blu-ray release.
Okay, so you’re prejudiced against British shorts. (lol)
How about Tarsem Singh’s “The Fall”??? I have not seen any write-up on it here.
I wrote about that, rather glowingly. One of the most beautiful films I’ve seen (with bonus points for pulling off the vibrant colours).
Surprised that Pound (Robert Downey Sr. 1970) isn’t reviewed or even reader suggested.
Looks like it’s available to watch on amazon prime. There could be a few poor quality copies floating about on youtube too (though I get the feeling that they’re not there with the rightholders permission) which could be lucky for some as maybe it’s only possible to with in the USA?
Filmbuffonline website has some interesting info related to the film including quotes from Downey Sr.
Imdb link for Pound:
I believe someone has probably mentioned Pound before, but I can add it to the queue now.
And Sal, we did put “The Committee” in the queue. But as you can see it’s competing for attention with 100s of other movies (not to mention current releases and new re-releases, which always take precedence).
That’s great about ‘The Committee’! Also, someone mentioned “Pound” which I had forgotten which brings to mind . . . “Futz” (1972)???
Honestly, I think you should make room in the original 366 by removing “Carnival of Souls,” which I love, but doesn’t look so weird after viewing Twilight Zone’s excellent “Hitchhiker” and “The After Hours,” (both 1960) which is pretty much the same idea.
Is Futz intended for the suggestion queue?
We did (unofficially) remove some old 366 entries to make room for (unofficial) new movies:
but Carnival of Souls was far from the cut line. In placed in the top half of all movies on the site when we surveyed the field:
Mr. Universe (1988)
Two low-life Hungarian immigrant friends in New York City have a plan to find their old fellow village neighbor from Hungary, Mickey Hargitay, and film the definitive documentary about the experience of life and fame as a Hungarian in America. So they steal a taxi cab and with the meter running drive across America to Hollywood, via Dollywood, to get Mickey(Mr. Universe 1955 and husband of Jane Mansfield) Hargitay to star in their great film that will show to the world the greatness of Hungarian culture.
the film is essentially a road movie about two losers chasing a dream across America, interspersed with quotes from famous Hungarians (Bela Lugosi, Zha Zha Gabor, Nicholai Tesla to name only a few) and non-sequitur slices of Americana along the way.
After many strange adventures they do eventually arrive at the home of the actual Mickey Hargitay (appearing as himself along with his real life son and daughter) where he promptly informs them “I dont like to do movies anymore” then sends them away. defeated the friends begin to physically fight, and ultimately push the cab off a cliff as the meter reads $4057.55.
the film ends there. one of the weirdest films i have ever seen. but also super hard to find.
We can add Mr. Universe to the queue, Tommy L., maybe it turns up someday.
Have you actually reviewed Arrebato? I see it has been mentioned on this site numerous times before, usually referencing its unavailability. Might it be a List contender now that it’s on Bluray?
Yes, we’re planning on getting to Arrebato before the year is done.
I have two movies I would suggest, if only for capsules
1st: Fun in Balloon Land (1965), Rifftrax did a riff on this movie, which is essentially a random events plot made with a bunch of leftover balloons, the looks and feels like a mental patient’s way of entertaining himself (like Santa and the Ice Cream Bunny)
2nd: Ice Cream Man (1995), a slasher movie that involves Ron Howard’s brother Cliff as a psychotic ice cream man, and has stuff like these flashback sequences to the ice cream man’s backstory, involving clowns, oversized needles filled with green stuff, and being force fed mashed potatoes; a weird running gag where a bunch of people say a woman’s flowers are beautiful, despite them being plastic, and being genuinly shocked when they’re told so; a bit where Cliff does a stand up routine with decapitated heads on cones; and a whole bunch of other stuff.
Note, I got the names confused, it’s CLINT, not CLIFF
We can add “Fun in Balloon Land” to the HUGE review queue. We’ll skip Ice Cream Man, as I’ve seen it and don’t think it fits with this site.
Well that sounds pretty weird to me! Maybe along the vein of “Killer Klowns from Outer Space”??? It should be considered. Probably both of these.
There’s always the option to submit a reader review.
Yet another suggestion.
Manual of Evasion LX94 (Manual de Evasão) – Edgar Pêra 1994.
I saw the “1997 Remix” version that has been uploaded to youtube by the director. I’m not sure if there’s any difference other than it has an interview with Terence McKenna at the end of it. Its only a relatively brief one at 50 minutes (plus the 7 minute interview tacked onto the end).
I suck at describing movies so have copied this description from Letterboxd…”Manual of Evasion LX94” is a thought-provoking Dadaist film about time by the Portuguese director Edgar Pêra. It was shot in Lisbon in 1994 and stars Terence McKenna, Robert Anton Wilson and Rudy Rucker. Time is explored from many unusual angles, while Pêra fills the screen with a wide variety of bizarre and mind-warping imagery.
For what it’s worth, this one I highly recommend for any weirdophile and I reckon it even has a fair shot at the Apocryphya on the off chance it ever happened to be reviewed.
The film is here on the directors page.
IMDb page
OK NC, can do.
I have a two other suggestions that I want to know if they’ve been looked at
1st. Jack and the Beanstalk (1974): (Directed by Giasburo Sugii, director of Night on the Galactic Railroad, with a bunch of really weird segments, such as a musical number by a dog who never talked before and doesn’t talk after, a really psychadelic wedding with a bunch of paper people, and it constantly changing tones, from a whimsical fantasy to a creepy haunted house to a Road-Runner cartoon)
2nd. Freaked (1993): (directed by Alex Winter & Tom Stern, a screwball comedy version of Freaks with sock puppet, dog, worm, nose, and cow people, Mr. T as the Bearded Lady, and a bunch of other random stuff that would talke up the entire post if I mentioned it)
Both these movies I did find version of on YouTube.
1. Jack and the Beanstalk (1974) is listed in the large “to be reviewed someday, maybe” queue at the top of the page.
2. Freaked was reviewed a long time ago:
i’d like to suggest the animated films hells and teacher’s pet. the first is about a girl going to hell after getting hit by a truck and involves a weird interpretation of characters from the bible and the other is a film based off an old disney cartoon about a dog who wants to be human.
not sure if my comment went through but just in case:
-hells (2008): a girl gets hit by a truck and ends up in a school in hell with monsters and there’s bizarre interpretations of bible characters
-teacher’s pet (2004): the movie based on a little known disney cartoon about a dog who wants to be a human boy
We only take one suggestion at a time, so I’ll add Hells to the queue next update. Teacher’s Pet looks interesting, but has the downside of being the concluding part of a TV series some people may not be familiar with (including me).
Has the Bulgarian animated movie Planetata na Sakrovishtata (The Treasure Planet) been discussed?
Maybe an oversight but if you have Jodorowsky’s “El Topo” on the main list, wouldn’t you have his first feature, “Fando and Lis” on the Apocryphal list or maybe you already reviewed it in the last?
B.: The Treasure Planet is in the to-potentially-be-reviewed-someday queue at the top of the page.
Sal: Fando & Lis. Anything that was once a List Candidate is automatically an Apocrypha Candidate.
I saw that you had the 1994 and 2011 Faust’s, has F. W. Murnau’s 1926 version ever been discussed?
No it hasn’t, but it would be worth a look someday for completeness’s sake. I’ll add it next update.
The skin I live in or any other Pedro Almodóvar film is unmentioned.
Love the list though
I think other readers have suggested “The Skin I Live In” before, but we passed on it as not really weird enough. Although Almodovar is an interesting and offbeat filmmaker, I don’t know of any movies he’s made that we’d qualify as “weird.”
Will you be looking at Hatching when it comes out?
Pretty sure we will, yes.
Has The House (2022), a Netflix original stop-motion movie, been discussed?
It features people being transformed into furniture and burned alive by an evil architect who also traps their kids in a maze. An anthropomorphic rat selling a house to a family who are revealed to be giant bugs who eat and ravage the house while the rat goes insane, and a bunch of anthropomorphic cats in a post apocalyptic society where one of the cats starts transforming the house into boats
No it hasn’t, it somehow escaped our notice. Seeing as how it’s from 2022, I’ll prioritize it for new release review. Thanks B.!
Hi, I’d like to suggest the title ‘Friend of the World’. This is a timely released film, written in 2016 and has become more relevant since its 2020 premiere. It’s a bizarre, dialogue driven story that follows two complete opposite characters working out their differences while finding their way through a body-horror post-apocalyptic bunker. The film has achieved critical acclaim, but has slipped under the radar of most audiences, likely due to its lack of names, unpopular runtime and non-mainstream appeal. It’s a surreal and absurd existential trip into madness with elements of social satire, scifi and horror.
We’ll put it in the queue next update; sorry we missed it on release.
Is there a certain ranked list for how weird a movie? If not what is the weirdest movie you have ever seen? I know this is not a rec but was just wondering
No there isn’t Soroosh, though there’s this list of weird movie popularity:
I would say Un Chien Andalou is the gold standard for weirdness that does not devolve into complete abstract chaos, and everything else can only equal it at best.
𝘉𝘦𝘨𝘰𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘯’s got to be up there…
Love this cult-friendly site! Wasn’t sure where the suggestion box was, so I’ll just leave a comment. Here’s a few I haven’t seen mentioned anywhere here.
“The Loved One” (1965)
“Lord Love a Duck” (1966)
“Rat Pfink a Boo Boo” (1966)
“The Baby” (1973)
“The Pit” (1981)
“Project A-Ko” (1986)
Two very different films by director Stuart Gordon:
“From Beyond” (1986)
“Edmond” (2005)
I see “Fateful Findings” in the queue, but I think all of Neil Breen’s other films should be considered as well:
“Double Down” (2005)
“I Am Here… Now” (2009)
“Pass Thru” (2016)
“Twisted Pair” (2018)
Thanks Wayne! A lot of those are already reviewed here or in the queue above. You can do a search, or check out a list of all reviews here:
The ones you name that aren’t already reviewed here are “Project A-Ko” (1986), “Double Down” (2005), “Pass Thru” (2016), and “Twisted Pair” (2018). I’ll add Project A-Ko to the queue next update.
I have a weird documentary suggestion for you, Shirkers, 2018. It’s on Netflix. The weird, (apparently) true story about a group of kids who tried to make Singapore’s first feature film and were scammed by a creepy con artist in the process. The film is half footage of the original movie and half documentary about the making-of. It’s definitely a weird story, and a pretty unique documentary.
Will add it to the queue, and maybe think about suggesting it for a future Watch Party.
I’d like to suggest “Dawn Breaks Behind the Eyes” (2021) – a trippy, bizarre and beautiful film!
We have plans to review this one in a couple weeks.
Received via email (NOT recommended procedure, but we’re making an exception): Runaway Nightmare. Will add to queue next update.
I’d like to recommend these two movies by Ciprì e Maresco
Lo Zio di Brooklyn (1995) and Totò che visse due volte (1998)
Thank you, Italo, we’ll add Lo Zio di Brooklyn (1995) to the next update of the queue.
I’d like to nominate A Case for a Rookie Hangman. A wonderful Czech nightmare from 1970, it is a free adaptation of some parts from Gulliver’s Travels, also channeling a bit of Alice in Wonderland, and a whole lot of Kafka.
Sorry I’m so late getting back to you Anonymous, but we’ll add A Case for a Rookie Hangman to the queue next update.
Just got done watching Carlson Young’s “The Blazing World.” Not great, but…should definitely have some mention on this site.
Was this site planning on talking about Jordan Peele’s Nope. I think the film’s worthy of at least a capsule.
CaseX: It was on our list to cover, bu we ran out of time to get to The Blazing World last year. I’ll add to the queue.
B. Pullen: I’m tempted to give a one-word answer, but never say “Nope.” Maybe Alfred would cover it as part of his “Summer Blockbuster” series, which he seems ready to resume. Personal anecdote: I went to see Nope a couple of nights ago, but the show was sold out! That’s the first time that’s happened to me in many years. I caught Vengeance instead, which, while not remotely weird, was funny and is recommended.
Have you reviewed “A Bomb was Stolen” aka “They Stole the Bomb” aka “S-a furat o bomba” (1962)? I thought I heard about it on this site but I don’t see it. From Imdb: A dialogue free Romanian science-fiction spy-comedy that draws upon farce, satire and surrealism as it subversively deconstructs the spy thriller.
Nope, we haven’t done that one (and I’ve never even heard it mentioned). I’ll add it to the queue and we’ll see about its availability later.