Dreaded this day, and hoped he had a swansong film left in him . . . There’ll never be another quite like you sir. Thank you for rearranging my DNA and my perception of existence. Truly now, in heaven everything is fine. The hall of legends just received a giant. I hope he’s pulled a David Bowie and something amazing is about to happen . . .
In order to get to heaven, one has to willingly give up life’s temptations. That’s a lot of work, a life’s work.
No idea where David ended up but his films were certainly enlightening, they’ve shown the world as it really is, Hell on Earth. A strong spiritual approach which is mostly ignored by critics.
Like how Mulholland is about how a young soul is corrupted to death by demonic forces in that town (centrals like Old Krotona).
God is Dead
Dreaded this day, and hoped he had a swansong film left in him . . . There’ll never be another quite like you sir. Thank you for rearranging my DNA and my perception of existence. Truly now, in heaven everything is fine. The hall of legends just received a giant. I hope he’s pulled a David Bowie and something amazing is about to happen . . .
Hope he enjoys the White Lodge
He rocked this boat; the ripples in the conscious mind will forever continue onward…
In Heaven, Everything is Fine
You got your good things, I got mine.
In order to get to heaven, one has to willingly give up life’s temptations. That’s a lot of work, a life’s work.
No idea where David ended up but his films were certainly enlightening, they’ve shown the world as it really is, Hell on Earth. A strong spiritual approach which is mostly ignored by critics.
Like how Mulholland is about how a young soul is corrupted to death by demonic forces in that town (centrals like Old Krotona).
Lynch was a Buddhist, he believed he would (likely) be reincarnated. Maybe in about 25 years his next incarnation will be releasing a new movie.