Last week, the Academy Awards released their nominees for the Most Conventional Movies of 2011.  This week, we reveal our nominees for the 2nd Annual Weirdcademy Awards.  This is the award given to the weirdest movie, actor, actress and scene of the previous year, as voted by the members of the Weirdcademy of Motion Picture Arts and Weirdness.

Who makes up the Weirdcademy, you ask? Membership is open to all readers of 366 Weird Movies. The rules for joining the Weirdcademy of Motion Picture Arts and Weirdness have changed slightly this year, so pay attention. To officially join the Weirdcademy, locate an official online ballot (such as the one printed below) and hover your mouse pointer over the radial button representing the choice of movie you would like to see win any award in any category. Then, simply depress the left button of your mouse to make your selection. Selections made using the right mouse button will be disregarded, and you will be forced to reapply. If your application for membership is provisionally approved, a dot will appear next to your choice. You are not done with the application procedure yet, so continue reading. To be certified as a voting member of the Weirdcademy, at some point subsequent to making your selection, you must navigate your mouse button to the box marked “vote.” Now, again depress your left mouse button to confirm your membership as a voting member of the Weirdcademy.

Alternatively, you can just use one of those iPhone thingees to make your selection. Anyone with an iPhone thingee is immediately accepted into the Weirdcademy.

(Vote as many times as you like, but only once per day, please. We’ll keep voting open until February 26 at 1:00 PM EST, so we can announce our results before the Academy Awards and steal their thunder).  There is no requirement that you’ve have to actually see all the movies in any category before voting.

This year we have added an exciting new category to the Weirdcademy Awards: Weirdest Short Film of the Year.  To watch all ten nominees and to cast your vote, please click here.

Without further delay, here are the nominees for the 2011 Weirdcademy awards:

11 thoughts on “THE 2012 WEIRDCADEMY AWARDS”

  1. i’m probably being a spoil sport but i’m not sure it’s fair to pit the likes of Melancholia and Tree Of Life against the rest of those titles… purely because they’re far more accessible – more people will have seen them, and therefore they’re most likely to win (and in my mind, not HALF as weird as the rest.)

    1. I was hoping people would vote based on whether my synopsis made them chuckle or not! Actually your point is true, but what can be done? All we can hope is polls like this encourage people to seek out the lesser-known titles and judge for themselves.

  2. It finally happened—someone organized a voting campaign for a particular movie (The Catechism Cataclysm). Nothing against the rules in that, but it does skew the results. Maybe we should spread the word to fans of the other movies so they have a fighting chance?

  3. In “Father’s Day”, Amy Groening was not the stripper with the chainsaw.
    She was the female lead, Ahab’s sister (and lover).
    Zsuzsi was more notable as the stripper with the chainsaw.

    1. We apologize profusely for mixing up our strippers and chainsaws. We blame the blooper on the blurbs being written by some idiot who didn’t see the movie rather than the person who actually reviewed it. Although, we must say Astron-6 and Troma must share part of the blame for not sending us an official screener (is that hint subtle enough)?

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